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Was all this soulmate saving each other thing actually real or it was some kind of messed up charm Abel placed on me to feel whatever I felt?

I was not yet a full believer. I pretended that every thing made sense but I had questions. Why me? Why in a small town like Cloakwood? Why didn't Abel and Cain just suck it and put up with each other for a hundred years it seemed like a pretty simple offer.They had lived nearly since the beginning of time. Why didn't they try?

Abel lifted his hand from my abdomen and smirked."We have a bonfire party to attend." That had been the least of my worries .I was only thinking about my bed. I was sure Amy was at home to and I would have no one to talk to.

"I am really tired, I want to head home."

"That's a no sir, am helping you build on your social life too who will you talk to when am gone and I don't live in your head anymore.PS the tree back at your school was not the one talking to you, that's stupid." He winked and  snapped his finger.

I could feel all my organs fight to jump out of my body and everything went white and in the blink of an eye we were in the woods at the bonfire party.

"Don't do that again." I yelled as I tried to to breathe heavily like all the oxygen had just been withdrawn from me. Movies made teleportation look cool ,now that I have experienced it , I strongly disagreed. I held my knees feeling like my legs could fall off at any time.

"You will get the hang of it." Abel said
"I 'll leave you and go find myself a lady to feed on "his eyes turned black and he vanished from beside me. If he was any version of a soulmate was he supposed to anger me every second, if so I think I didn't want a part of it.

I was at my first high school party and it was just like I expected, it was suffocating seeing everyone enjoying themselves and I was not able to catch  hype . I clenched my fist so hard that my nails dug into the soft skin of my palms.

Why was I so irritated?

I looked to my left where all the kids part of the elite got high and did stupid things. Julian was running round shirtless telling his peers some kind of exciting stories. That bet were made up.

While Timothy and his girlfriend Felicia got sexual , kissing like the was nothing else that mattered in the world .Felicia was the main bitch of Cloakwood highschool who looked like a barbie in her pink outfits ,perfect blonde hair and perfect smile. They were definitely made for each other. A couple of idiots.

Why was I so angry?

Timothy stopped when our eyes met he stared at me intensely for like three seconds he had some kind of worried vibe written all over his face like he regretted what he said to me back at the Sheriff's station.[haha, no take backs] He was not so high and mighty after all.

He hesitantly looked away and turned back kissing Felicia even more passionately than before.

I moved around the party till group of weird kids smoking meth and sniffing cocaine called me to seat with them why not? They were two girls and one blonde guy.

The girl with purple hair handed me a cigarette and meth.''Am Stephanie, I have seen your art pieces and they are fire."

"Thank you"

"Like I don't get why you are still in school you could be fucking rich Mann rich" She said in a weird tone, she was definitely high.

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