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My eyes met his, his face was stained with worry like I could break at any time, I hated that look, I was not delicate. I was just going through some kind temporarily amnesia.

The last thing I remembered before finding myself in the hospital room was I arguing with Julian and he said that he was going to take over my body again.

I had actually set the lab on fire but I was not in the right state of mind, Julian had possessed me and made me do it.
If Devon had not stormed in time, I would have killed his father and the thought of going through with it possessed or not frightened me. I was going insane.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Devon asked as he approached the other side of the bed where I stood.

"I mean-I wanted to check on your father to see how he was holding up." I strummed with my heart nearly phasing through my chest, I had never been a good liar and I could tell by the look on his face, he was not buying my propaganda.

"Why?" Devon moved closer causing my hand to shake like it always did,but I had not taken any drugs in hours. Ever since I opened up to him, he made me nervous.

He held my shoulder and turned me ninety degrees to face him, having him so close to me gave me warm feeling inside. I hated it because my father and the rest of the church would not agree and I would be sent to conversion therapy or something, but Devon didn't find anything wrong with me and I felt happy in that moment but I still wanted to fight it.

"Because I care about you" I said hesitantly as I shyly turned my face to the side avoiding his romantic deep brown eyes. He then placed his hand on my cheek pulling my face back to face him, his fingers were so soft against my skin how could something so wrong feel so right.

Our eyes locked again and I could see the definite frown on his face. I could not help but think what I said bothered him.

"Timothy" he sighed and his eyes began to sparkle as they teared up.

"I get it, what went down at the chapel didn't mean anything to you, I don't blame-" He cut me off putting a finger on my lips.

"Shut up" He said softly and simultaneously as he jerked his finger away from my lips "It did mean something to me"

Unexpectedly Devon grabbed my face and our lips locked, it was just like what I remembered, it was blissful he tasted better than Felicia's bubble gum lipstick and every inch of my body felt weak and craved more but he pulled way.

"But this can't happen again I have a girlfriend and I could hurt you, am dangerous." He took a couple of steps away from me.

"So are you attracted to me or Stephanie?" I foolishly asked.

"What kind of question is that?" His voce got tenser and louder"Timothy you are just to extra and I don't need that right now, I don't want to add on the baggage I  already have."

Why did my question trigger him so much?

My heart dropped on hearing him utter his words they hurt like several blades had been punched to my back. I probably deserved it after the years I had put him through hell.

"Babbage-" I wiped the tears before they could flow further"You kissed me."I shouted as I stormed out of the hospital room with my heart in the wrong place.

Amy had not been returning my calls or attending school for almost a week. I was getting worried and all kinds of awful and scary thoughts roamed the back of my mind.

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