A/N Timothy's letter to the after life

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The pain I feel as the tears flee my eyes
Is the kind that can not be summarized by the pen at hand.

A pain that touches my toes and flows through the blades of my messy hair.
I can't eat, I can't sleep, that is the pain that I am feeling

But my mother thinks she raised a strong boy,and I once believed her but not today.

I can't seem to gather enough energy to
stand up to my feet.
But these different circumstances have got me feeling alone.

All the doctors and the nurses say you're dead and you're gone

But it still feels like I could talk to you if I picked up the phone

You can't fix a broken window you just replace the pane.

But there is no pain great enough to replace your face

With my eyes matted shut from the tears that I slept on

I'm thankful for the pictures and your voice on my cell phone.

But please, while you are awed in the mist of the after life.
Don't forget me and time spent on this earth.

You once wanted to be a male stripper
You really liked football
You once tried out basketball
You really loved waffles
You once stuffed them in your mouth and you couldn't speak.
You truly adored your sister and you truly loved spending time with me.

I will never have a friend like you ever again.
You were a friend who believed that am special and friend who would not rest till he cheered me up

My heart is a vault now, I'm scared to let a soul in.
I can't let myself lose more and increase the hurt.

No matter how many oceans or rivers I cry
My heart will never let you go, I'll never  say good bye.

A lot of my hours are now spent in the my room where we played video games
and taking over the world.

I can't take over the world alone and all the games seem stale with out your excitement around.

Am dEpReSseD !

I'm crying, wondering, what you would say  to and what stupid things you would have me do today.

You will forever have a place in my heart and we shall meet again soon. 

Rest in peace Julian. ★

My favorite picture of you

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My favorite picture of you.

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