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I received the most exciting text of the century when the bright Saturday morning sun hit my face and the my buzzing alarm welcomed me back into the realm of the living. It was from Victor, he was back, his surgery was successful and he was here to stay.

I had missed him so much for the past two months, we had basically been friends since we were in diapers we would do reckless shit together, play video games talk about girls we crushed on, cry together, I didn't feel completely alone whenever he was around.

I reached the location Victor had sent me, it was an odd looking abandoned wooden house.

I had never seen in the town before which was odd, since I knew this town inside out and I had never seen this house.

The house was almost falling apart and it was covered with wild plants, flowers and algae on its exterior.

The air around felt thicker than usual and it was stained with the smell of blood and there were black-feathered birds rotating above the house on a loop crowing in  unison. Something that I had only seen in horror movies.

"Am sorry but Victor won't be joining us,what a shame." The blonde headed guy I had seen the previous night dressed all in black said as  he rushed out of the house with incredible speed causing a wave to shatter two clay vases on the senile pouch.

"Cain" I said timidly under my breath.

My heart had left my chest, I was face to face with the creator of murder I could see through his golden eyes, he was an A-class psychopath.

"In my actual flesh" He said in a cocky tone with a smirk across his face.

I tried to make a run for it but the grass beneath my feet  tightly twirled round my legs hindering any movement from being made and my tongue became so heavy stopping me from yelling for help.

Cain moved closer and closer till there was no space between our bodies,he sniffed my neck,causing me to feel a weird alien sensation of pain mixed with pleasure ,I had felt the same sensation the night I opened the red door and got bruises round my neck, it was Cain's doing.

"I don't see why brother is fascinated by you, your mortal." He said as he traced his teeth on my fragile neck before he sunk them deep in my flesh causing me to let out a soft groan it was like I had been filled with an overdose of ecstasy that was followed by pain.

He with drew his fangs from my neck and he took a step back.

"I have just seen your whole life, present, past and future, You save my brother and I remain behind" he said and his voice was stained with anger" If I play my cards right I could twist everything I saw in your future and he could fail terrible and you could help me instead. "He said psychotically.

"Who said I would help you" I shouted "Never, you are a fucking psycho you need to be locked up "

"That was not a request pretty boy, what I want, I take." Cain said as he abruptly cupped my face in his hands bit my lip and snapped my neck causing everything to go black and all the voices to flood in.

Writing gets me , pulls me out of reality and into this safe place away from the sounds of everything crushing.

I don't hear the loud noises of mom quarrelling with dad when am deep in my zone, I  pretend that am okay in the safe place but reality always cracks through whenever my mind slips in a picture of Julian.

I tossed my book to the wall and screamed with my inner voice trying not to outshine mum and dad's loud quarrelling voices.

I unzipped my school backpack and got hold of my second more reliable escape, morphine.

Sometimes it helped to feel no pain, to feel fulfilled instead of feeling empty
and most off all morphine made me ignore my sin and pretend like it didn't prey on me day in day out.

I tied a cloth round my arm,looking for a vein and immediately I got one, I stuck the syringe into it, before I could inject the morphine into my system, I saw a reflection of Julian behind from the mirror surface of in front of me.

My heart skipped a beat and I swiftly turned around, throwing the syringe to the floor and there he was, I was really seeing Julian, it was really him.

"Julian how is this possible?" I asked as I pulled him into a hug and I could feel him, he was real.

"Am in pain the after life is constant torture,I can't move on to a better place because I have unfinished business here on earth. It burns ,it burns real bad" Julian added.

"What can I do to help, I will do anything." I said desperately I could not bare to live with myself knowing Julian was in eternal loop of pain I wanted to free him nothing made sense but communicating with Julian's ghost was somehow comforting.

"Burn the science research center to the ground and I can move on to the after life, a better one." Julian said with a cold look in his eyes.

"Why that place exactly?" I asked and he ignored me fading away as he screamed on so loud that I could feel the floor beneath shake.

Was I willing to go that far to help Julian's ghost find peace?

If he was at peace, I would be at peace so I agreed that I would do it not thinking about the consequences that would follow.

The feeling of water clapping against my my back woke me up and my eyes landed on Cain with his evil smile as he held the bucket tight in his grip. I was chained to the chair and I could tell due to the smell of rotting wood , we were in the old creepy house.

"Guess what" he smiled as he put the metallic bucket down and he sat on it."I just killed the one thing that would keep you from turning to the dark side as you slept helplessly, there is no Juliet for you Romeo, I assure you. Juliet brought up the best in you but she's no more."

"Stop speaking in metaphors and tell me what you did" I shouted as I tried to break free from the chains but they we're super strong.

"Where is the fun in that?" Cain smirked

"One little detail before I let you go, my electric kiss contaminated your blood your not mortal anymore and that changed the future a lot and i end up going to paradise thanks to you and my brother is taken by lucifer, who knew it was that simple" Cain laughed.

"You not getting away with this, we are going to stop you." I shouted filled with fake confidence in the words I said because the face Cain wore, he was so sure he was going to win.

"I already did " he laughed as he snapped his finger and Felicia was in front of  me her face decorated with confusion in her  short cheerleader skirt and top with pompoms in her hands.

"What the hell who did-''Cain shut her up with the snap of his fingers again and Felicia stood helpless in one position and as still as a statue unable to make a run for her life.

" Poor Juliet"Cain laughed out loud as he made a simple cut on Felicia's neck and everything became red in my eyes and I felt the urge to suck all the blood out of Felicia and nothing in the world was going to stop me.

I broke free from the chains with an intense amount of strength I never knew I had and I felt two of my canines elongate as I sunk them into to her neck and with ever sip it felt like I was being reborn. I didn't care what happened to Felicia all I cared about was quenching my unquenchable thirst.

All Doors Open : Finding HeavenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant