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Seated in booth 23 in the Shakka dinner

"I love watching you eat." James smiled as he looked into my eyes intensely."I like everything about you honestly. "

I was making it up to him for standing him up on founders night, I didn't regret going out with him at all, he was sweet, charming and complemented me in every sentence he made[no kidding].

He was enjoying my company his shy giggles and his occasional smiles were the concrete evidence. I liked his company too but I  didn't want to rush into things.

"I think you are cool and I would love to spend more time with you."James said as he stretched his hand from the other side of the booth to touch mine, his fingers were so soft I could believe I was being caressed by a feather.

" I would like that,but I would like to take things slow."

"You could be the pace setter , I will follow your every command." James smiled as he held my hand in the air and laid a soft kiss on it "At your service my lady."

We were interrupted by the buzzing of my phone repeatedly.

" I think you should take that."James said signaling at my phone.

They were over twenty messages from Abel saying he needed me and it said something had happened to Devon I didn't think twice and I got up from the seat.

"I need to leave, its urgent"

"I respect that, talk to you later" James said with the smile fading from his face.

I was a couple of blocks away from the dinner and I could feel somebody follow me from behind. I thought it was James but the steps the stranger behind made did not sound like James , James walked more carefully and elegantly.

The energy the stranger gave off was unnatural and I clenched my jaw irritated by the sounds of the foot steps and I chanted a spell under my breath that made the stranger appear in front of me, it was a blond guy with golden eyes(maybe they were contact lenses) about 6 feet and he wore black completely.

"Stop following me"

"Anger looks so sexy on you." The stranger said as he hit me forcing me to fall hard on the wet tarmac road and he swiftly sat on top of me like a hungry savage." Time to change another pond in this game."

He ripped the slit of my silky red dress exposing me without concent and he  started to unbuckle his belt and unzip his black leather trousers like some kind of sex crazed monster.

I laid down with my legs apart unable to move or use magic against him I was completely helpless. His presence seemed to deactivate my magic.

Before he could pull out his manhood, James rushed towards us.

"You bastard,let her go" he yelled as he kicked the blond guy off me and he helped me up.

"I should have not let you walk alone." James cried and he broke eye contact with me and he looked back at the blond guy seated on the wet tarmac road laughing psychotically.

"Am going to wipe that smile off your face." James shouted as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and laid a punch on the stranger's face.

He did not stop laughing and that angered James even more and he pulled a pocket knife from his trousers and repeatedly stabbed the stranger till his laughing died out and he was not breathing or laughing anymore.

"Did you kill him?" I asked trying not to sound frightened by James.

He glanced back at me with his hands covered in blood and his white shirt stained with blood.

"I didn't mean to, he was going to hurt you." James broke down into tears, he had killed and he was suffering from an excessive amount of guilt, James' soft kind heart could not take all of it in.

I pulled him into a hug and I assured him that he had done the right thing , I could feel his heart pump abnormally fast as his chest was against mine he was scared.

When we turned to look at the body it was gone.

"His alive , he just walked away, am not a murder." James said as he let out a sigh of relief hugging me tighter."Hopefully he doesn't report my assault. "

"Your mother is the mayor your fine."

No human could survive such a beating, the stranger was not human, it was Cain his golden eyes and middle eastern complexion matched Abel's true form, but was not sure I just had a very strong gut feeling. What did he mean by he change another pond in the game? why did he try to rape me and what was his grand scheme?

"You are not a vampire" Abel said as he paced the floor in my bedroom"And don't worry Felicia is still alive, she is in the town's hospital. "

I looked down at my T-shirt stained with Felicia's blood I could feel her life slip away as I drained her of her blood I was lucky my link with Abel saved her life and he sensed something abnormal happening to me and he appeared in the old shack in time to save Felicia.

"I just fed on her and got high on her blood, how am I not a vampire?''I asked as I traced my finger on my  two canines and they were back to normal.

" A vampire can only turn a vampire and Cain is no vampire."Abel said as his hands lit crystal white and he touched my forehead and I instantly felt super cold.

Abel jerked his hand from my head in a immediately and his face was covered in fear.

"Your a soul snatcher" Abel said as he took a step back "your kind feed to kill and steal a part of your victim's soul, just like a vampire you can't live without feeding and the more you feed the more souls you capture and in the long ran your own soul and humanity will be lost...No ..No"

Abel punched the wall and I could feel the anger that was radiated off him.

"You will be a killing machine and our connection will fade what all soulmates without souls" Abel cried."Cain did it, he took my one key to happiness away."

"Can't we do anything?" I asked and my tone was stained with worry."Can't we stop Cain from winning? "

"I have to kill Cain first, before we can proceed, it will buy us enough time before his resurrection."

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