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I woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of people running and and scream from the first floor of the mansion, it sound like they were being slaughtered. I heard the sounds of tough soldiers cry and the sounds of innocent handmaids wail in pain. My first guess was Amy had not abandoned me and she had come to my rescue after fruitlessly waiting for a fortnight but I was wrong.

Xella unexpectedly swiftly walked through my door with her face paler than usual, like she had just seen a ghost. It came to me as a surprise because had been ghosting for two weeks me after we had bonded. Why did she decided to show up when I was about to be rescued?
It had been three weeks since I had been locked up in the house and there was not a friendly face in sight other than hers. I felt like if situations were different, we would be friends.

She rushed towards me and freed me from the chains that had been holding me back for fourteen days, I had almost forgotten that I had arms due to the numbness that had been caused.

"I have to get you out of here, there is a psychopathic killer down stairs and his killing everyone because he wants you and you." Stephanie's eyes were filled with tears making her purple eyes sparkle, she was simply beautiful. "I couldn't stand the thought of you dying."

I shocked her by stealing her a kiss from her soft pink lips to to calm her down but I realized I also just wanted to from the day I saw her.

"What was that?" She nervously asked as she pulled away from my lips.

"I was calming you down, no need to worry, that badass killer downstairs is here to save me, but he might no spare you, run." I assured her and she finally got the balls to kiss me back and we parted ways.

I rushed downstairs and there Devon was stepping on broken glass from the living room table fully covered in the blood of all his victims.

"Devon, you came for me, you can stop the killing now." I said as I slowly approach him, but I was not afraid of him, he had never tried to harm me before, I was just concerned.

He turned around to face me and his blood red eyes met mine and he had the most scary smile in the history of smiles across his face and it caused my heart to skip a beat.

"On the contrary , am here to kill you, the angel says your baby could be able to break a curse he placed and she wants no loose strings hanging around."

He slowly approached me as the grip on the knife in his hand became tighter.

"But she's your child too." I said as I took steps away from him.

"I don't care, I never wanted a baby in the first place and can I let you in on little secret, I was glad when you left, I didn't want you and our little mistake in my life." Devon whispered in a creepy tone and I could tell that Devon was not himself anymore and he could actually hurt me. I ran as fast as I could towards the front door of the house but before I could turn the knob, there he was, in a blink of an eye he was in front of me smiling and things just happened so fast and I looked down at my belly and I was bleeding, he had stabbed me.

By the grace of God, Xella intervened before he could stick the knife in my abdomen once more and she sliced his head off with a shiny golden sword.

"That won't keep him down for long, the angel of death is on his side, let's get to the tunnels." Xella said as she lifted me and carried me in her arms and ran towards the staircase to the dungeon but my eyes could not leave Devon as his head laid feet way from his body with his blood all over the floor.

All Doors Open : Finding HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now