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I was foolish to agree with Devon's plot to bring Timothy back. I really did not want to help him with the task at hand because if the coven got to learn that I had broken one of their sacred rules, nothing Grandma could do would stop me from facing the brutal punishment of death.

Did Devon still have a hold over me?
Of course he did, I had loved him for ten years and seeing him in the state he was truly broke my heart, I was willing to do anything to make him happy even if it meant crossing the council, the coven and all my ethical reasoning.

How far would he go for me?

"How could we find a book on necromancy in this place?" Devon drew two books from the shelf" This one is on plants, so is this one."

I observed him as he  restlessly searched the place back and forth, brick by brick looking for that one book that had the answer to all his prayers. Of all the people in the damn world he had chosen Timothy a jackass who double as a crack head. Timothy was always cruel to him where and when did he have the opportunity to catch feelings for him.
It was a lot for me to take it at once, but I had to accept and respect his decisions. We were friends right?

"Amy ,I found one"He approached me full of hope with an old dusty green book that was like the thinnest spell book I had seen in Granny's study. " Titled the The Art of Necromancy. "

Why did Grandma have such a book lying around yet bring back the dead was strictly forbidden? Was she ever tempted to try it out?

I held the book and immediately a chill ran down my spine and my whole body was cold again just like when I was in Limbo. It reminded me of the pain I had to go through seeing my parents face the accident over and over again.

I couldn't get the picture out of my mind, it was so vividly painted that it couldn't be erased or deleted. It was part of me and I had to accept the fact that the pain would never leave me.

"Amy" Devon's voice pulled me back to reality. "Are you feeling up to this, you can back out now , no hard feelings."

"I want to do this" I replied doubtfully "I want to do this for you."

"Cool let's get started" Devon added anxiously.

"Before we start one last question." I paused for a second."How far would you go for me?"

"What do you mean?"

"If you were in my shoes would you do the same thing for me. Be honest."

" I think so" Devon said hesitantly which made me doubt his response. " I would do the same for you Amy, I would."
I snapped a little birdies neck and used it's blood to draw a runic symbol on the floor of my bedroom and I aligned the six lit candles in the way I was supposed to do according to book(around the symbol). I cleansed the room with sage and used the blood from the bird to make a mark of David's star on my forehead and palms and I could feel every inch of my body resist but I wanted to help Devon, I really did.

I was carrying out the least demanding spell in the book that required the summoning of the Angel of death to present our bargain and I truly doubted he would agree with us. The rest included massive human sacrifices.

I circled around the rune as I continuously recited the spell. "Angel of death, angel of night, bless u born from the dark and come visit thee. I open the gate. I open my heart come visit thee and listen to my plea."

"Why isn't working?" Devon raised his voice "Are you saying it right?"

"I am trying everything I can, and you know I don't have to." I added and continued reciting the spell till a strange wind filled the room and it  caused the fire from the candles combined and move in a hurricane manner. The room was getting hotter and hotter by the second.

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