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Ocean eyes - Billie Eilish

My head was too much in my head,I could not fix all the activities I had to do in one day. I was jealous, I admit it .

I needed that scholarship more than James did, he had money to splash on a posh yet Grandma and I were barely getting by.

Was I happy for him? Of course I was, but my soul was stained with envy.

I panicked as I tried to finish my chemistry assignment before Mr Porter could enter the class room.

Why did I pile my self with all the extra assignments and forget the important ones. Was it even worth it?

The door swung open and a glamorous Latina woman entered the classroom and the whole class was sent into a frenzy with boys like Julian and Timothy making all kinds of irritatingly perverse sounds and jumping round like animals

"WO WO your amazing." Timothy shouted as he licked his lips seductively
Some times I wondered how high his IQ was.

Devon followed in after her and he had a huge smile stuck on his face,something I had not seen from him in a long time.

He was usually down most times even whenever he fake smiled during chemistry with me, I could see right through his act but this smile was real, it was pure.

What had made him that happy. Was it me? Of course not.

I constantly questioned myself  whether I did the right thing by telling Devon how I felt because after I did ,whenever he talked I felt the tension in his voice.

It was like he would re think each sentence like several times before he would let it out.

I had the biggest crush on him when we were in elementary school.

He just always seemed different and that crush just kept on growing day by day till I could not handle the silence anymore.

I even got out of my way to make sure we became lab patterns by switching a couple of papers in Mr. Porter's desk. Not my finest hour but it was worth it we started to speak often.

As happy as I felt that he said he loved me ,I couldn't help but think he was not being completely honest because his body said something else.

Devon took a seat next to me and didn't say a word. Sometimes silence killed more than the truth.

I just wanted him to speak to me ,I wanted him to touch me, I wanted him to want me as much as I did.

I just wanted a special kind of connection with him but I think I broke our friendship in the process.

"Am Cassie Perez, Mr. Porter is currently sick and am filling in for him for a while." She smiled "we are going to have so much fun."

Every one started chanting her name with Timothy being the ring leader but something about her didn't seem right.

Something seemed unnatural as I stared intensely at her,everything seemed to focus on her lips and her  words started to echo at the back of my head, and it started to pound excessively and the atmosphere around became super cold and my teeth started to gnash inconsistently and I could not move any part of my body.[paralysed]

I saw her face glitch to a fleshless skull with all kinds of bugs crawling into her eye sockets and then everything just went black.

Was  I really just exhausted or was there some truth to what I saw?

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