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Pushing my door open my dad sent me flying onto my bed with an unexpected punch in the gut.

His punch really weighed a lot, of course it did he was a built up middle aged black man with tonnes of muscle. I was perplexed and I did n't get why he was so angry.

"Where are they?" He yelled in anger

"What do you mean?"I asked and that earned me a slap across the face.

Why didn't I just leave with mum?

" I didn't open that door in the lab and you are the only human that shares my DNA in this whole Godforsaken town and you visited the office yesterday. "He said with his anger almost blowing off the ceiling.

" I didn't steal anything. I swear to God",I replied finally adding up the pieces of the puzzle ,he was talking about Abel and Cain.

"You think you are smart .We are going to lock you up till you tell us where they are I don't care if you are my son , you just let criminals loose." Dad added

"What were criminals doing in a lab?"I mumbled but gladly he didn't hear me or that would be another slap across the face.

Dad was violent , none of what he was doing was new.

One time in 7th grade he beat me up when I told him school was pointless and I wanted to become an artist and travel the world. I could barely walk for two days.

Another time he over heard Victor and I talking about his upcoming gender reassignment surgery into a male and he even heard me tell Victor to change his name from Veronica to Victor cause it had a nice ring to it and when Victor left I received the beating of a lifetime and I could barely walk for the last quarter of the previous summer and I was forced to watch boring anti- lgbt documentaries.

With the look he was giving me I was so sure I was never going to walk again.

" Sheriff Cohen take him and lock him up till he cooperates."He called out and the Sheriff and her deputies and they entered the room all dressed in Navy blue with their gold coated badges and fierce emotionless faces glued tight.

They hand cuffed me and dragged out the me like a criminal I didn't bother fighting. I just let it happen.

I concluded my dad didn't love me and that stang. He cared about his little experiments more. I should have let Abel kill him.

The sheriff threw me into the cell like a used rug and shut it. Never had I ever thought I would be locked behind bars but never say never I guess.

"Just make this easier for the both of us" The sheriff said as she got a pen and book to question me and just then I had a crazy idea what if all the big names in town worked with my dad on the Abel and Cain issue[cloakwood conspiracy theory#001]

"What were you doing at the lab yesterday at 1:00pm?" She asked .So they had no idea I visited the lab twice ,I had a flicker of hope and smiled a little.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked as her voice grew tense.

"You really want to know?" I laughed"Your fucking son emotionally and physically tortures me every day at school and I could not take it anymore yesterday so I  needed someone to talk to but my father was no help and he sent me out immediately. "

"Timothy is a good-" She shifted the topic quickly. "Your teenage mind games won't work on me."

She asked me a couple of more questions that required the response yes, no or fuck you and let's just say I answered one yes ,two no and the rest fuck you till she left to get my dad to deal with me. Since I was such a pain.

I sat in the cell looking at the wall clock tick it was already 7:00pm two hours of my drawing time waisted on this nonsense ,where was Abel when you needed him to pop up?

Dying of boredom ,I fell asleep and I was woken up by a voice calling out my name. I slowly opened my eyes seeing Timothy standing right on the other side of the cell.

Fuck I didn't want anyone from school to see me I was going to be harassed if they did.

"What did you do to get into mum's personal hell" He let out a small laugh that didn't last a second after he saw my unfazed look"Am sorry-"

I cut him off" Do you know your mum thinks your a good person."I laughed.

"Devon how many times do you want me to apologize?" He asked as he approached my cell and shook the bars in anger.

"Am the only one here who is supposed to be angry."

He then gained composure and he fell to the floor sitting down and leaning against the bars.

What was he doing didn't he know how much I hated seeing his pretty boy face.

"I feel really bad ,I regret what I said yesterday. Okay." He said as his hands started to vibrate involuntarily side to side.He took a deep breath and it slowed down.

"Wow. What about all the times you made me feel worthless before yesterday?" I laughed but my laugh was filled with pain and wanted to strangle him and throw him in an empty tank and fill it with water and watch him drown.

He kept silent for a while and he let out a sigh."I always thought you were cool, self aware and you had everything figured out .You don't need to please anyone by putting on a front. You are living your truth while on the other hand, am the opposite and am in denial. "He turned to look at me. His greenish hazel  eyes were filled with tears.

What the fuck was happening my bully was breaking down in front of me I would say it was the best day of my life but I had just been beaten up and locked up in a cell. So it was a pretty neutral day.

He wiped them noticing that they were flowing." Am so ashamed of myself all the fucking time.Why am I telling you this?"He got up and cleared his throat avoiding eye contact and looking down at his shoes" Am sorry for  deflecting the anger I have towards myself onto you. You don't have to forgive me."

Before I could say a thing,he rushed out of the Sheriff's office as he lit a cigarette to go live his false reality.

My life had become more unpredictable the past two days it was no longer boring and ordinary , I didn't like it. I wanted normal again.

I didn't want to forgive Timothy even if his apology seemed genuinely raw. Did that make me a bad person?

It was a quarter to eight and there was not a soul in sight.

"You assholes get me out" I shouted and a heavy wind that came from no where swung open the cell. My first guess was I had magic like Abel but it turned out it was actually Abel's doing and my dreams had been crashed.

"Sorry for the delay I was looking for Cain who I had no success finding, he must be taking the form of a woman, a horse or a butterfly those are the creatures am yet to check."

"Took you long enough" I said as I  exited the cell but to a foot back in eventually "but they are just going to hunt me down if I leave, am not becoming a fugitive."

"Don't worry I tampered with the photo age from the lab it shows your Father sleep walking and opening the door himself. His not here probably because his too ashamed to look at you after hurting you. Now can I kill him?"

"No his still my father."

"Why do you love that man?"Abel laughed.

"Didn't you care about your father?" I asked Abel and he frowned and ignored my question, he didn't want to revisit his dreaded past.

Abel placed his hand on the site dad punched and he lessened the pain after chanting a few words under his breath .I felt a rush of electricity flowing down my spine on feeling his touch. It was an unexplainable bliss, it felt like I was over dosing on ecstasy. I didn't want it to stop.

"Did you feel it too?"I asked hesitantly

He smirked " I told you, We are made to save each other. "

All Doors Open : Finding HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now