Chapter Ten

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Over the next few weeks, Hermione became obsessed with the prospect of losing her parents forever. She knew it was unfair to keep them locked in captivity at St. Mungo's but she also knew that releasing them meant that there would be no possibility of them ever remembering her again. Her mind was constantly absorbed with what she should do. She spent all her free time during the day scouring the library for any reference to the obliviate curse and spent the nights reading, not realizing until the sunlight beams shone through her window that she hadn't slept. Even when she tried to sleep she found she tossed and turned most of the night. Waking up from nightmares which always involved her losing her parents in some horrific way.

Every week Hermione continued to visit St. Mungo's. Her parents would allow her admittance to see them and before she could even utter a greeting her father would ask, in his no-nonsense tone, whether she was there to release them. She would always reply in the same way, 'that she was still considering it'. Her father would promptly dismiss her. If Hermione refused to leave her father would shout for a healer who would rush over trying to calm the situation while discreetly ushering Hermione out of the ward. Her mother would always watch these proceedings in silence. The expression on her face one of misery and sadness. Hermione could never forget these encounters with her parents. Their expressions stayed with her and motivated her to keep searching for an answer.

Hermione was certain she had spoken to every healer at St. Mungo's about her parents' condition. They would ask her details about the countercurse she performed. Asking questions about her wand movements and the incantation trying to figure out if she made some mistake. Occasionally one of the healers would mention that they had heard of some potential new herb that was supposed to help or a new countercurse that was being experimented upon in Bulgaria. For every option that was mentioned Hermione was convinced to see it through. As long as there was an option left, regardless of how unlikely, she had an excuse on why she could put off making a decision about her parents' future.

The weeks passed by and Hermione spent more and more time alone as the weather began to turn cold. Even when she was at the Gryffindor Table in the Great Hall or sitting next her classmates during her lessons she didn't say anything. She sat in silence obsessing over the options and trying to think of another solution. When someone tried speaking to her, they would usually have to say her name a few times before Hermione realized they were speaking to her and even then, she'd only give the briefest response before reflecting inwardly again. Hermione didn't even care that Pansy wasn't suspended for her attack. Ginny had gone on a furious rant after hearing that Pansy was allowed to stay but Hermione barely nodded in response. Her friends had tried to cheer her up and help her with her research, but she would become irritable and snap at them when they interrupted her. In turn everyone had slowly started to avoid her and leave her alone as she wanted. Hermione barely noticed.

Ron had tried to accompany her to see her parents on Saturdays at St. Mungo's but she preferred to go alone and he soon stopped asking to meet her. They continued to write letters to each other but as time wore on Hermione's letters to Ron became more and more moody and short, she just didn't have time to respond to his letters while she could be using that time to find a way to heal her parents.

As November began Hermione found herself once again in the library. She was pouring over a textbook about rare plants that had medicinal purposes when she was interrupted.

"Good evening Hermione," Luna greeted her kindly.

Hermione quickly returned her greeting before looking back to her book. She hoped that Luna would get the hint.

"I never had a lot of friends Hermione," she continued.

Hermione mumbled something about Luna having lots of friends before turning the page.

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