Chapter Sixteen

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Hermione awoke the next morning before dawn with a renewed sense of determination. A pile of presents laid at the end of her bed. She smiled at the gifts before quickly dressing. Occasionally when Hermione had lots on her mind she would fall asleep and awake in the morning having made numerous decisions while she was sleeping without even consciously doing so. This morning was one of those morning. She rose with a clear head and a renewed sense of purpose.

Draco may not share her feelings, but he still gave her the best Christmas present anyone ever had by helping her restore her parents' memories. She had been trying to decide what to get Draco for Christmas for a few weeks now and until this morning, she had not come up with anything. She had wanted to get him something to thank him and show him how appreciative she was for everything he had done and for how much he had been there for her these last few months.

She looked longingly at the presents before deciding to leave. She could open them later. She had a busy day ahead of her. She reached for her door handle hesitating slightly. What if Draco was out there. He was always awake before her, but this was also the earliest she had ever left her dormitory. She considered using the Homenum Revelio charm to find out if he was in the common room but mentally chastised herself for being so cowardly. She took a calming breath, she would have to face him again at some point. She exited her room to find the common room empty. She wasn't sure whether she should be disappointed or relieved. She pushed those thoughts aside and returned to her mission.

As with all of Hermione's plans, she started by making her way straight to the library.

Hermione spent the next few hours poring through books and taking the occasional note, barely noticing as the sun rose. She finally looked up, stretching her neck that ached from being bent over for so long. She put away her reading material and notes and headed to Professor McGonagall's office to use the floo.

Hermione spent Christmas Day with her parents at St. Mungo's, before leaving them in the late afternoon. She slowly approached the hospital floo. It was time for the second part of her plan. With a determined voice she threw her floo powder into the fireplace and clearly stated "The Burrow".

She emerged from the fireplace into a sea of surprised red-headed expressions. Before she could even say hello, she was pulled into her first hug. She was passed around from Weasely to Weasely each one taking a turn to wish her a Happy Christmas, congratulate her on her parents' memory restoration and give her a hug. When she hugged Mrs. Weasely, she noticed the slightly too large smile pasted on her face, that didn't quite reach her eyes, Hermione gave her an extra long hug, hoping that it communicated how much she also missed Fred this Christmas. She hugged Ron last, who gave her an awkward one arm hug, before quickly releasing her. Finally, she hugged Harry, who whispered in her ear, "I'm so glad you decided to come."

"You'll stay for dinner." Mrs Weasely stated, already setting an extra plate.

"Actually, I won't be staying, but thank you for the offer Mrs. Weasely."

An out roar of protests erupted around her. She held up her hands trying to calm them. When she could finally be heard again she explained, "I just wanted to quickly stop by and wish you all a Happy Christmas and I was hoping to speak with Harry alone for a second." Protests rang out again about how she had to stay, while her eyes met Harry's and he gave her a quizzical look. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed that Ron was the only one not saying much and standing as far away from her as possible.

She spoke to them all briefly, asking about their holidays and jobs before managing to escape and step outside with Harry.

They walked in silence away from the house, their feet crunching in the snow. The sun had almost completely set, the last rays of sunlight illuminated their way. Harry kept giving Hermione questioning looks as they walked together patiently waiting for her to begin.

Hermione tried gathering her thoughts. She didn't know exactly how to bring up her request and she didn't want Harry to react poorly.

"I wanted to ask you what you plan on saying when you testify at the Malfoys' trial."

Whatever Harry was expecting it clearly wasn't that. "Er- I'm going to tell them exactly what happened. Why?"

"Draco told me you spoke at his trial and defended him last summer and that's why he was released."

"I told the truth Hermione. I didn't go out of my way to defend him. I just explained what happened. I don't think Malfoy meant to end up where he did."

"Yes, but what you said ended up causing Draco to be released. You know that. I'm curious if you think his parents will be released or not."

Harry stopped and turned to face her. "Where is this coming from Hermione? I know you've been spending a lot of time with him. I saw him at Hogsmeade and St. Mungo's and Ginny's told me. He has been a jerk to you since first year and now all of a sudden you're friends?"

"Yes Harry," she responded simply. She wanted to tell him that she didn't have to defend her relationship to him. But she needed to keep the conversation friendly and she didn't have the energy to fight with Harry.

Harry sighed, "I'm going to tell the truth at the trial Hermione. I think that maybe Narcissa will be released. She lied to Voldemort and effectively ended the war because of it. Even if she did do it for her own purposes. As far as Lucius, I don't know what will happen. I suspect he'll end up back in Azcaban at the very least."

At the very least...

Hermione understood what Harry was eluding to. She wanted to help Draco. It was time to come out and be straightforward with Harry.

"Harry, Draco has been a good friend this year. He's been there for me with everything that's gone on with my parents and Ron. It's thanks to him that my parents even have their memories back. I'd like to try and repay him for what he did and the only way I can think to do that is to try and help with his parents' trial."

Harry turned angrily away, "I won't lie Hermione. People died because of them. I almost died! I can't believe you would even ask that!" he shouted.

"I know Harry," she said quietly while gently touching his forearm, guiding him back to face her. They stood there looking at each other, their breaths misting in the cold. The bang of the back door closing made them both jump. Looking back, they saw Ron standing at the door looking at them, uncertain whether he should join them or not.

"Listen Harry, I'm definitely not asking you to lie and I'm not asking you to do anything you're not comfortable with. All I'm asking is that before you testify, you think seriously about the Malfoys and whether you think they deserve the dementor's kiss. If you think that they deserve some redemption then please try focusing your testimony on any redeeming qualities."

Harry didn't respond but looked towards Ron who was slowly approaching them. "Are you and Ron going to make up?"

Hermione was taken aback by the rapid change in subject but quickly recovered. "Of course. I'd like to be his friend again."

"Well here's your chance," Harry smiled before starting to walk back to the house leaving Ron and Hermione alone.

"Hey Hermione. Uh, how's it going?" Ron asked awkwardly slowly approaching Hermione.

"I'm good Ron. Really good now that my parents are better." A long pause followed before Hermione turned to start making her way back to the Burrow.

"Hermione I'm really sorry about what happened. I miss you."

Hermione smiled at him. "Thanks Ron, but I'm okay now. You were right with what you said at Hogsmeade. We weren't working. I think we're just better as friends."

Ron let out a huge sigh of relief. "Sounds good to me. So, did you like my Christmas present?" Hermione looked blankly at him before realizing that she never opened her Christmas presents.

"Actually Ron, I haven't opened it yet. But I'm sure I'll love it." Ron looked disappointed but quickly recovered as they started walking back towards the Burrow. Ron kept asking about her parents and how they were doing. She knew he was making an extra effort to be nice to her and she was grateful for it.

When she had finished speaking to everyone about their Christmas holidays and she gracefully declined both Ron and Mrs. Weasley requests for her to stay for dinner again, she flooed herself back to Hogwarts. 

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