Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Hermione fidgeted nervously with her jacket, as her and Draco made their way to the same apparition spot, they had used weeks earlier. Although the location was the same, just outside of the Hogwarts boundary, the surroundings looked completely different. The snow had completely melted, buds were starting to sprout on all the trees and the stems of flowers were just beginning to peek out of the ground. The trail was wet and muddy causing their shoes to make unappealing squelching noises with each step. Hermione glanced down nervously taking in her appearance and all the mud that was sticking to her boots and pants. She tried not to worry about it, knowing she knew a charm to clean it up. There was a strong breeze whipping her hair in all directions around her face. Hopefully her hair wouldn't be too much of a mess when they arrived. "What exactly did you tell your parents about why we were visiting today?" she asked as she chewed her bottom lip nervously.

"Hermione, we've been through this. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. I owled my parents a few days ago telling them that we're dating. I mentioned that I would have preferred to tell them in person but I didn't want them to find out about us from the Prophet and that I wanted to schedule a lunch so they could meet you properly."

Surprisingly their relationship still hadn't been in the Daily Prophet yet, but Draco was right to warn his parents. Hermione and Draco had kept their relationship quiet as they had discussed, but more and more people seemed to know about them. Hermione knew that neither Ginny nor Theo could keep a secret very well and had an internal wager of which would let it slip first. The fact that Rita Skeeter hadn't heard about it yet was nothing short of a miracle.

Hermione had also told Harry about them. She downplayed it in her owl, just mentioning that they had started seeing each other and were taking things slow. Although she had a hunch that Ginny probably told him a more exaggerated and accurate story.

"Well I guess the good thing about today, is that after it's over, we can finally be open about our relationship."

"Hermione, I think we still need to keep our relationship quiet. I'm not trying to hide our relationship," Draco added quickly, after taking in the look of frustration on Hermione's face, "but I think it's best if we try and keep it out of the Daily Prophet, for as long as possible. There have been increasing attacks on all sorts of people in the wizarding world. People who are suspected of being Death Eaters, or commiserate with them. You know how many letters I've been getting. I get them from both sides, you know. My dad said they'll eventually go away. I just ignore them. I usually don't even read them. Imagine how people will react if they find out we're together. They'll think I've imperiused you or put you under a love potion or something. Or they'll attack you for sympathizing with the enemy."

"Draco, eventually people will find out about us. Isn't it better if it's on our terms?"

"Have you told Weasley yet?"

Hermione pursed her lips and looked away ashamed. She still hadn't told Ron anything. She knew she owed it to him, after all they had been through and all their years of friendship but they had barely corresponded since Christmas and each time they had, their letters were formal and short. It was as if they were both testing the waters again and didn't want to offend the other one. She had hoped Ron was seeing someone else, which might have made it easier, maybe that blonde from the newspaper, but Ginny told her he was still single and hadn't dated anyone since they had broken up. She knew she had to tell him before he found out some other way but every time she sat down to write him a letter she found herself at a complete loss of what to say. "I just don't know how to tell him without upsetting him. He's not going to take it well and I don't want to hurt him."

Draco sighed, "I get it Hermione, it's difficult enough trying to maintain a friendship with an ex. But I thought you agreed that we were not going public with our relationship until Ron knows." She nodded at him, biting her lower lip. "Alright, then let's at least wait to have this discussion again once you've told him." She slowly nodded her head in agreement.

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