Chapter Fourteen

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As the weeks elapsed the weather grew colder and soon a thick blanket of snow covered the Hogwarts grounds. Hermione continued to visit her parents every Saturday morning. Draco was always awake before she emerged from her bedroom. Instead of asking her where she was going he would now always wish her good luck with an encouraging smile.

Whenever she returned from her visit, it wouldn't be long before she would run into Draco. She started wondering whether he was waiting for her. He would never ask how the visit went. The expression on her face gave him that information. But they would talk and walk the grounds and sometimes even joke around.

They were returning to their dormitory together on a Saturday afternoon when they were greeted by Theo who was walking in the opposite direction, heading to the library. His bag was bulging under the strain of all his textbooks.

"Watch out Granger, with all the work Theo's about to do he's liable to become first in our class," Draco smirked.

Theo rolled his eyes. "I have to study for our transfigurations and defense tests, I still have to write my potions essay, I have a star chart and herbology diagram to complete and if that wasn't enough I am still having issues with wandless magic so I have to practice that."

"Everyone's having issues with wandless magic," Draco muttered.

Theo continued as if Draco hadn't interrupted, "I'm trying to get all my work done before the Christmas holidays, so I don't have to worry about it. It would be nice to have some time to relax before my father's trial starts." Draco paled considerably at that comment. "I also have to figure out what career options I want to discuss with Slughorn when I return."

"What careers interest you?" asked Hermione curiously.

"I really don't know. I was always supposed to follow in my father's footsteps," Theo grimaced. "This is the first time I get to decide and I have absolutely no idea!"

"Well, I think you should make a list of what interests you and what your strongest subjects are and try going from there," suggested Hermione.

"I'm amazing at all my subjects Princess. It'll be hard to narrow down," he joked. "What are your plans for the holidays?"

Hermione was taken aback by the question but recovered quickly, she caught Draco looking at her curiously out of the corner of his eye. "I'm staying here for the holidays. I have lots of studying and schoolwork to do."

"You're not going to your parents' house?" asked Theo.

Hermione had always wondered if Draco had told Theo or Blaise about her parents. Based on Theo's question and his genuine curiosity she knew he didn't and the thought that he kept her secret even without her asking, filled her with pleasure.

"No, unfortunately my parents are away from home right now, so I can't stay with them." That wasn't technically a lie, which she found reassuring. "I was also invited to the burrow to stay with the Weasley's but I declined, you know, because of what happened with Ron," she quickly changed the subject. Draco's eyes narrowed at her.

"Why don't you come spend Christmas with me?" Theo invited. "You can both come. Draco has no plans either." This didn't surprise Hermione. Even though they had never explicitly discussed their Christmas plans she knew his parents were both in Azcaban awaiting trial.

"Thanks Theo. But I really do need to study." Hermione also needed to be at Hogwarts so she could visit her parents without anyone else finding out.

Theo looked questioningly at Draco, who also refused the offer. Theo shrugged good naturedly and left them continuing on his way to the library.

Hermione had also received a letter from Harry offering for her to stay at 21 Grimmauld Place with him. She knew he was only making the offer because Harry knew she would be spending Christmas alone and wouldn't be visiting with the Weaselys this year. She felt a surge of gratitude when she read the letter at his thoughtfulness but declined. After the events of last year she knew Harry would rather spend the holiday with the Weaselys especially since Ginny would also be home for the holidays and Hermione didn't want to get in the way.

Hermione and Draco started walking in the opposite direction back to their common room.

"Uh Draco, can I ask you something?" Hermione asked nervously. Draco motioned for her to continue. "Why has Theo been so nice to me this year? I don't think we've ever even spoken to each other before this year and now he's inviting me to Christmas."

Draco paused looking thoughtful for a moment and Hermione took the opportunity to study him. He had dark circles under his eyes, his face looked a little sunken and he had lost some weight. He looked exhausted. "To be honest Granger, he hasn't told me why and believe me I asked. Especially at the beginning of the year," he smirked and nudged her with his elbow. "I would guess that it has a lot to do with his father. Theo has barely spoken to anyone while he's been at school. In the past, I wouldn't have said he had any real friends, just ... acquaintances. He would occasionally hang out with us but he was always kind of quiet. I do know a lot about his father though. Things I've heard from my father and ... some other people," a dark cloud passed over his face. Hermione could guess at who those other people would be. "He's a complete ass. He put a lot of pressure on Theo. I think that with his dad in Azcaban Theo finally has some freedom and can be who he wants," he sighed, pausing before continuing, "Theo and I returned this year to find that we have no friends but each other and Blaise. All the other houses hate us based on principle and our own house hates us because they either think we're traitors or they think we're Death Eaters. It doesn't help that we're in different years so we've never really made an effort to be friends with them. I think Theo tried being friends with you because you're probably the only person in the entire school willing to give us a chance. Even if you are part of the Golden Trio."

They continued walking in silence while Hermione mulled over what he said. She had noticed that the three of them always sat separately from the rest of the Slytherins during meals. Even Pansy and Millicent seemed to be avoiding them recently, although she had caught Pansy on more than one occasion staring at Draco when he wasn't looking. She felt a strong sense of pity towards both Theo and Draco. She wanted to protect them both. The irony that after years of them discriminating against muggleborns, they were now facing that same discrimination in reverse wasn't lost on her.

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