Leanne 4.0

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It's been two months since I became, Leanne. I already got the trust from the majority of the freshman and am becoming more and more beautiful every single day. This body is going through puberty, which means that if I don't take care of my body now, next thing I know, I'm gonna have pimple marks in my twenties. Thankfully, I'm a person who appreciates beauty, so I'm making sure this body becomes the ultimate femme fatale. Every night I bath in 100% rose water to make my skin glowy and healthy. I make a paste of eggs and essential oils to make my hair healthier. I also put castor oil in my eyelashes to make sure I don't have to put fake ones in the future. I'm basically preparing for battle with the female lead. However, that's not the most important thing I've been doing. By getting all the Chateau on my side I'm basically putting their family's business on my side. When I start working in my dad's company in 3 years, I'm gonna make it bloom with all my connections. I'm basically becoming a social butterfly. That's why I'm getting ready for tonight's party. The birthday party of the second Male lead. Although, I wasn't really planning on meeting the Male protagonists of the story so soon, it's better to have a higher ground than the female lead. Besides, men are men. They'll see me today and won't notice me because of how young I am. They'll probably remember me as the  little girl of that night. But who cares? I'll make them fall in love when I'm more grown, tonight I'm gonna enjoy myself and see if they are as the novel describe them.
"Baby girl, which gown do you prefer? Purple or blue?" Asked my very intrusive mother.
"Mom, I told you I didn't need your help. Also, I prefer the purple gown," I said.
"Honey, you've never gone to such a big social gathering, you're always studying and hanging out with your friends. I think that you're becoming more mature now. So let me help you prepare for tonight. It's a mother's job," said my mom with fake tears in her eyes, cause I know that the only reason she cares if I stay home, is because, she's not able to dress me up like a doll.
"Mom, let's just get it over with. Who's gonna do my hair and makeup?" I asked.
"The stylists will be arriving in an hour. In the mean time we (I) need to pick your dress and heels, so what do you think about the shoes? Golden or silver?" She asked.
"The golden ones look good," I said.
"Well, I was actually thinking of dressing you up like a princess, with the blue gown and the silver shoes? You'll look fantastic, I promised," she said.
"Sigh, I'll go take a bath," I said.
"Ok, don't take too long," she said.
"Yes, mother,"
After countless fights with my mother we were finally happy with the result. I wore a strapless knee-length aqua dress with an open back and a silver ribbon in the waist. I match the dress with silver heels and silver accessories. As for my hair I decided to tie the top half and let the bottom half loose. I also put the little diamond accessories that Mona gave to me in my hair. As for makeup, I decided to go for simplicity and let my face do all the talking. I put moisturizer on my face so I wasn't dry as fuck. Then I put a little bit of blush and lipgloss. So in my professional opinion I looked stunning.
"Daddy, grandpa, what do you think?" I said as I twirled around the room.
"It's too short, I don't know who your gonna show your legs to. I can see your knees," said grandpa.
"It's hot outside, plus it goes right above my knee. My uniform is shorter than this," I said.
"Is that makeup? Are you wearing blush!?? Please go and change before I have a heart attack," said my dad while touching his chest and acting like he was in pain.
"Excuse me, I'm dressing very properly compared to other girls. Do you want me to wear a turtleneck?" I asked when I saw how immature they were being.
"That's a good idea, didn't we buy a turtleneck while we were in France? Go and put it over a nice skirt. You'll look fantastic," said dad, while I looked towards my mother who was choking on her own laugh.
"Mom, aren't you gonna say anything? " I asked.
"Hahaha, it', it's ok, Leanne. Just ignore them," said my mom while trying to get her cool back.
"I'm done with all of you," I said as I sat down and drank my tea.
"Haha. Finish your tea, well leave as soon as you're done, " said mom.
"She's really gonna go like that? I can see her back," said grandpa.
"Father, she's becoming a woman. If we do not accept that now, is gonna be more difficult watching her grow up, go to college, and get maarry," said my mom with a smile on her face.
"I'm done, I think we should leave," I said as I put my cup down.
"Let's go," said my dad.

Quick Transmigration: Beat The Female Lead SystemWhere stories live. Discover now