Sang Yunxie 1.6

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After having a good long talk with my mother we went to sleep. The next morning I woke up feeling a little lost. It's been a day since I came to this world and the things here are so different that I couldn't help but just stared at my surroundings.

"Mistress, are you awake?" Asked Xin You appearing out of nowhere.

I ignored the fact that she was watching me sleep and with a husky voice I said, "no." Throwing my head back in the pillow.

"Mistress, you're mother said that you were leaving after breakfast. Would you like me to prepare a bath for you?" She asked ignoring my lazy behavior.

I then gave up going back to the magical land of sleep and said, "yes. Put the same ingredients you put yesterday but, add some lavender this time." This body is going through the evil stage of puberty so, I need to do the same thing I did last time and start taking care of my skin. Maybe I should also start doing yoga to keep a fit figure and a relaxed mind?

"As you wish," she said bowing.

"Xin You," I called out.


"Wake me up when you're done," I said.

"Yes mistress," she said leaving the room. After roughly 30 minutes she came back and lead me to the bathroom. Although,  I knew it was their job to wait on me, I still didn't feel comfortable with someone watching me take a bath. So, I told them to leave.


After I took my bath and had breakfast with my mother, we decided to go to the port right away. My mother didn't want to take too many servants with her since we would attract attention and that's not what we wanted. So, we decided to take a few bodyguards with us and only two servants. We also covered our faces with a veil to not catch unnecessary attention. Since, my mother was a... "celebrity" in the nobility and with the common folks.

When we got there I was very surprised since the dock was bustling with people in ancient clothing.

The only thing that resembled this... commotion in the modern times was the comic con. Unfortunately, this was real. This people weren't impersonating any fictional characters, they were here in this weird clothing. Giving me an abnormal feeling.

"Xiexie?" I heard my mother's voice.

"Sorry, there's just a lot of people here...."

"I know. Just keep close to me and don't run off," she said as she grabbed my hand like I was a little child. Fortunately, she just wanted me to scoot closer to her and let go of my hand as soon as she knew I was close enough.

Next to the docks was a bazaar with many tents. Many merchants were making deals and commoners were running around with wonder in their eyes. Although, the goods were indeed valuable for the people here. As a person from the modern times, nothing really aroused my interest. Still, I didn't forget the reason I came here.

Thanks to Liam's gift, I had knowledge about many different treating methods. However, I was currently in the ancient times, and I couldn't just jump out of the blue with modern knowledge about how to cure deceases. I needed to adapt my knowledge to the current Chinese medicine (while also making improvements to it). So the first step I needed to take was, buying medicinal herbs. Since, no one is gonna be suspicious of me just because I know how to use plants.

Thankfully, this country had a lot of plant variations and most of them have medical properties. Especially the tea. When I was in the modern times I didn't really like the different kind of tea blends. However, now that I'm the Ancient China, the country who technically invented tea. Is only right that I follow their costumes and get used to the different herbs in it. Especially, when their medicinal attributes were so high.

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