Sang Yunxie 1.4

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"Mistress, how are you feeling?" Asked Xin You with a nervous expression. When Sang Yunxie decided to become a noble consort her mother didn't like the idea. However, Sang Yunxie was set on marrying the perfect stranger and got into a huge fight with her mother. When she left for the palace her mother refused to see her off.

Although I think that that was kind of cold from her mother. I still understand her feelings. If I had a daughter that wanted to marry at fourteen to someone she didn't even know, I would beat the crap out of her until her rationality came back. Unfortunately, she couldn't even do that since Sang Yunxie was loved by the empress dowager. She spent fourteen years caring for someone and then they abandoned her for someone they don't know. I don't know if I'm more angry at the Fl For being slutty or at Sang Yunxie for being ungrateful.

"I'm okay. I just hope my mother has cooled her anger in the short time I've been gone," I said while signing and fanning myself. 

"Mistress, don't worry. You're mother loves you a lot there's no way she's still angry at you," said Xin You trying to comfort me with an expression of pity that frankly pissed me off. 

"Enough. What will be will be, no need to worry about it," I said annoyed at her and at Sang Yunxie. I honestly don't understand why antagonists and side characters have to burn so many bridges. They should be kind to people while also getting what they want. Especially their family. If their birth parents don't love them no one will. Well, there are special occasions. But, if they do, appreciate that at least someone loves you. Return the love and don't burn bridges.

Now I have to fix a broken relationship because this body liked the idea of being a child bride. I'm starting to miss the charming and beautiful Leanne.

"Mistress, we're almost here," said Xin You as she looked out the window. I started to think about how to mend the relationship of Sang Yunxie and her mother. I don't want to live knowing that I or Sang Yunxie hurt someone that deeply cared about her/me.  

"Wish me luck," I said as I took a deep breath.

"You'll be fine, Mistress. I bet my life on the fact that you're mother missed you a lot," said Xin You.

"Let's hope," I said as the carriage stopped. 

Xin You went out first and extended her hand for me. I took it and leisurely went out.


Random Servant:

Lately the general's manor has been under a lot of stress. The young mistress of the manor married into the royal family which is either the best or the worse thing that could happen to a young girl. However, no matter what happens people either pretend or are happy for the marriage. Yet, this state didn't bother pretending.

The young mistress has been the light of this manor since she was born. Like her mother the young mistress has a kind and tranquil character. Although, she's only fourteen she's smart and stupidly beautiful. Since little her mother has been very strict with her. Her mother made sure that she received the best education anyone can possibly get and also taught her medicine. Unlike other misses from other households our young mistress is very kind. When she smiles two cute dimples appear on her face and her figure is very delicate. She makes you want to protect her and tease her at the same time. She's like a blooming flower. 

Unfortunately, since the empress dowager got her eyes on her she hasn't been the same. She seemed to be trapped in a fantasy. Although, she continue with her studies she often got distracted and was always in the moon. Her mother seemed worried about her but didn't take it too seriously since, she thought the young miss was smart and knew what she was doing.

Apparently she wasn't. Not long after that the young miss surprised the whole state saying that she was going to become a noble consort and help the empress dowager. Her mother instantly knew that she wasn't kidding and told her that she wasn't allowed. The young miss however, didn't take her mother's word seriously and told her that she wanted to do this. After that they both started fighting and the young mistress ended up leaving. The mistress didn't even send her off because of how angry she was.

After the young miss left the mistress' mood has been a little irritated. So, all the servants have been very careful not to annoy her. It's like every one is walking on eggshells. Although, the master of this household is not usually here the mistress has made sure to keep the place running.

Like her daughter the mistress is very beautiful and gives off an air of tranquility. Yet, not everything it's what it looks like. Although, the mistress looks like a saint on the outside no one in the household would dare to cross her. Every time a servant makes a mistake she doesn't bother disciplining them, she simply disposes of them. Yet, to those who do their work she rewards. Not to mention that she's called a saint by half of the kingdom.  

She has save so many lives that I bet she lost count of all of them. So, when she rewards us is with medicine. Which is worth more than gold in our eyes. Yet, this week it's like she's been waiting for someone to make a mistake and just get rid of them.

Thankfully, the young mistress decided to return to the manor. When she got out of the carriage she looked a little... different. Not in a bad way since I doubt that she was getting mistreated in the palace. However, the air she gave off was different. She still had that gentle air that made you not want to touch her in case you defile her. But, that childish cuteness she used was gone.

I just hope that the mistress and the young miss try and solve their difference. I still don't wanna die without getting married.


Author's Note: Hey cuties!

Did you missed the daily updates? So... It's been a rough week. Going to school after spring break it's not pretty. I asked god to take me with him multiple times. Then I gave up and asked the devil to take me with him, when he told me that he already did. That's when I realize I was in school. So, I started crying......... My life is sad.

Also I got some things to say one of which is very exciting:

#1. I'm very sorry for the last chapter. When I read Chinese novel I just focus on how witty and charming female characters are. So, I don't pay attention to the spelling of the words. Which is stupid since, I'm trying to write a Chinese arc. Anyway sorry, I'll try to take the spelling tips you gave me and integrate them in my writing.

#2. (This is very exciting) Dreame offered to pay me for the digital rights of my novel!!!😭😭😭. This is like the best thing ever. Yay!! Anyway I googled around like the nerd I am and discovered that if I accept. I won't be able to update on wattpad. Which is a big no-no for me. This is were I started my first novel and met wonderful readers who are always saying they love the novel and posting nice comments on it.  So there's no way in hell I'm gonna leave wattpad. I just wanted to share this with you guys because someone actually wanted to pay me for this novel. Which made me really proud of myself and myself and I hope you guys are proud of me too.

#3. I decided to update every weekend. In the past I didn't have a consistent schedule and you guys hated that. So, I decided to give you one. You're welcome. 

Anyway, I love you guys. I'll try to fix my spelling mistakes and don't be afraid to correct me in the future. Although, I may never fix it I'll still try to learn so, I don't make the same mistake in the future. So, leave a comment (but don't be too mean) and click the star.



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