Leanne 12.0

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"This is the end of the presentation, I hope you have gained an insight into our product," said Dylan or ML after ending his presentation.

"Love, what do you think?" Asked Mr. Snow, to the beauty on his right.

"How much are you asking for, Mr. Oxford?" She asked with crossed legs and a serious look on her face which made her look enticing and elegant.

"Two billion dollars," said the ML straightforwardly.

"Two Billion?" the other investors in the room started talking.

"Why would we invest so much money in this?" 

"Although, the plan seems good the prize is to high,"

"There's no way we can give you so much money. What if you don't succeed?" They kept talking.

Leanne simply listened to their conversation and looked towards the ML who seemed pretty calm, despite of the debate that could decide the future of his company forever. "Gentleman, If I may. No one said anything about you taking two billion dollars out of your company's funds. If I'm correct, two billion is needed from all of us. Which means, that we all can put something into this," she said.

"However, there's only a few of us, it will still be a lot of money," they said.

"I agree. However, the profits will be higher," said Leanne. Which surprised the ML. The last time they saw each other, she left a big impression on him. She seem like a shelter princess, who never got out of her castle. However, her attitude gave the opposite impression. She had a playful and smart mouth which, made him really irritated but also very intrigued. Unfortunately, they hadn't met each other after that night. So, he was surprised she was helping him.

"Although, this is a new company. There are many talented people here and we assure you, that we're the best of the best, at doing what we do," said Dylan. After debating the pros and cons, the majority of decided to invest in the ML's project. The company of the Snow family invested more than anyone in the ML's project. Since Leanne, didn't really cared about the ML but, knew that the project was worth investing in.


Dylan's POV:

"Sir, I think that meeting went that went really well. We might have to focus more on the Snow family, since they invested more and try to please them. However, they seem like respectable people. Now that we have the funding, would you like to start the project?" Asked my longtime trusted assistant, Eli.

"Yes, the first stage is very delicate so proceed with caution. Also, can we get the footage of the securities cams when the Snow family came in," I said. Although, I only met the Leanne once. I know that Mr. Snow is very respectful towards people of all economic classes. So I don't understand what happened this morning. I sent Ms. Rose because, she's very easy to talk to and she's very kind to everyone. I know that from experience. So, maybe it was Leanne who took something the wrong way. Yet, that's weird too. Mr. Snow seem pretty mad so I don't think Leanne was in the wrong either. Plus, Ms. Rose referred to Leanne as Mrs. Snow. Which can be pretty upsetting for a young woman like her.

"Is it about the incident that happened in the front office?" Asked, Eli. With a startled expression.

"Yes, when Mr. Snow came in his face looked rather cold. However, I'm pretty sure this was all a misunderstanding I just need to see what happened," I told him since things like this happen all the time in the business world. People take things the wrong way and relationships are ruined.

Eli simply smiled and said, "I'm sure you want to investigate. The person they were angry with is the person you've been interested in," with a cocky smile.

"Just bring the security footage," I said

"No need, I was getting some papers from the front office when that happened," said Eli which surprised since, he's not very gossipy.

"When the Snow family came in, Ms, rose, welcomed them like she was told. Her manner towards Mr. Snow was very lovely and welcoming. Snow. However, when you told me to get her to receive them. I specifically told her that Ms. Snow was the one who was gonna decided if our project was worth investing in. Since, she's the heiress of Nouvique. Yet, Ms. rose completely ignored her. Ms. Snow's expression didn't change. However, I can't say the same for Mr. Snow, I guess he doesn't like it when they don't take his daughter seriously," said Eli.

"Did he say anything?" I asked

"No, he completely ignored her and walked to the main desk to find you. I was the one who took him upstairs," he said.

"I understand, can you please bring Ms. Rose to me?" asked him.

"Right away," said Eli but not before he stopped and said, "I know you like her but, doesn't she seem too victim-ish, in your opinion."


"Yes?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Can you make an appointment with Ms. Snow? I would like to invite her personally to project initiation party?" I told him.

"I'll make it as soon a possible," he said.

What should i do now?


'Liam, which color looks better on me?" I asked him as I looked through the pile of designer dresses picked during fashion week by my mother.

'Blue makes your eyes pop,' he said.

'I'm tired of blue, pick another,' I told him while whining.

'I'm not sure. However, I have good news,' he said

'What,' I asked with suspicion in my voice.

'I was spying on the male lead and..'

'Ahhhh, you're spying on him. You're truly learning from my shamelessness,' I said ecstatic .

'Host, please stop interrupting me," he said.

'I'm sorry,' I said

'Anyway, the male lead is throwing a party to bring attention to his company, now that he's gonna take a giant step with the new project and he's planning to personally invite you,' he said.

'When?' I asked

'He's planning to visit you're home, tomorrow,' he said

'How rude. Doesn't he know how to make an appointment in a place he can pay?' I asked feeling annoyed.

'He made an appointment in you're office but, since you're going to the university tomorrow morning, I told him to come here,' said Liam.

'You should really stop connecting with the internet. Also, I made plans with the girls, tomorrow,' I told him.

'I told them, that you couldn't make it,' he said.

'That's invasion of privacy you, perv,' I said feeling invaded.

'I see you naked every single day and now you're feeling invaded?' he asked with sarcasm in his voice.

'Yes, what are you gonna do about?' I said

'Ignore you,' he said 

'Go to hell, Liam.'

'Don't worry, I'll follow you there sooner or later,' he said.



Hello dear readers,

Sorry for the late update, I've been.......... doing nothing really (I'm a procrastinator). Sorry... *I feel ashamed*

I hope you liked this chapter, comment and subscribe.

Also, thank you for all those lovely comments. Thanks to them, my motivation to write went up by like a thousand and it might be too soon to say this but... you guys are the best readers in the world. ❤❤❤

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