Sang Yunxie 1.24

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After I talked a bit more with the ml he thankfully left me alone. I decided to go back to my chambers and rest there.

"Xin You, are the servants behaving?" I asked as I dipped myself into the bathtub. It felt really nice to take a cool bath since it was a bit hot inside.

Xin You kept adding rose petals but still answered, "they're being a bit noisy but it's reasonable due to the recent events."

"Mmm... it's not good to make excuses for them, if they get out of line dispose of them." I calmly told her.

"Yes, mistress." She smiled innocently like she always does. That's what I like about her she knows how to mask her true feelings. When talking about annoyances she disposes of them and doesn't feel bad. She's very sweet.

"You can leave," I said.

She stood up and bowed saying "As you wish."

After she left I sunk my entire body into the water so that I could wet my hair.

'Host, you're gonna catch a cold if you keep wetting your hair,' said Liam as I tried to relax.

'That's stupid and since when do you care what happens to my body? You always keep trying to sell me to the MLs,' I mumbled as I came up from the water.

'As a great man once said, "I'm not selling you, I'm giving you away." Plus,  you shouldn't be complaining. Without me telling you to seduce them you would still be practicing abstinence.'

'Liam get over it. That was years ago and I could've gotten laid if I wanted, I was a bit bitchy but I had a great body,' I said reminding him what was truly important.

'Host, it's the inside that matters not the outside,' he said trying to sound wise.

I laughed at his comment and said, 'really? Give me an example.'


'...makes sense.' I said contemplating about my insides. OH MY GOD! My insides are rotten. My soul is basically a materialistic superficial bitch! I know no kindness. My heart is dark and ugly!

'LIAM! Quickly show me my reflection. I need to check I'm still beautiful,' I frantically said. He opened the mirror application and showed my pretty gentle self. My body   couldn't be seen because of the water but my skin was so perfect and my eyes were so bright. Oh god yes, I am still hot!

''re pathetic.'

'You're ugly.'

'I don't even have a fucking body.'

'With an attitude like that, you don't need one for me to know that you're ugly.'


'Which means it's mine. I am the prettiest of them all and no one can change that,' I said with smugness written all over my face.

He laughed maliciously and said, 'you know what? You did it! You accomplished the impossible. You made the most patient soul angry. I'm gonna make ugly.'

"NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOOOO!" I yelled with my actual body. The sound was so frightening, that in less than a second the bathroom was full of maids, eunuchs, and shadow guards. Fuck!

'Liam... what do I do?' I asked as I looked around the room with frightened eyes. Everyone was looking at me with panic written all over their faces.

'Faint! Quickly faint,' he yelled but I didn't fucking know how to fucking faint. So I closed my eyes and allowed my body to sink into the bathtub.

"My lady!" They all yelled and ran to me. I didn't know what to do but I couldn't feel my body. It was almost as if I was asleep but awake.

'Host, I put your body in a coma state. It basically looks like you're unresponsive but you can wake up anytime you want,' said Liam in a relief voice.

One of my shadow guards covered my body with a cloth that he got from, GOD KNOWS WHERE! And quickly took me out of the bathtub. I must admit, it did looked like I was unresponsive. Thank god! I cannot deal with awkward situations.

'Liam! You can't just drop comments like that. I'm a sensitive soul, I can't handle those types of threats. I'm weak!' I complained to him with a hurt voice.

The coldhearted monster dismissed my feelings and said, 'you're superficial that's what you are! Get ready, for your next mission I'm gonna make sure you get a taste of what ugliness feels like.'

I bargained, begged, and threatened but he still wouldn't budge. I finally resorted to crying. It felt good to cry, I actually hadn't actually cried in a long time.

'Why are you crying?' He asked sounding tired and annoyed.

'I WAS BULLIED IN HIGH SCHOOL! OKAY? PUBERTY DIDN'T HIT ME UNTIL I WAS TWENTY. WAAaaaaaa! Girls are mean, I can't be ugly. I refuse to be ugly. I will commit suicide if you make me ugly.' I confessed and it was true. Even if I  have more self confidence, I refuse to go back to feeling like shit. I refuse to feel inferior. In my first life I went through a lot of hardships to feel welcome and accepted. I have too many emotional scars to be ugly again.

'No you won't. People were just jealous of your money. It's true that you weren't the prettiest pea in the pod but you grew out of it. You became beautiful and successful. I won't make ugly BUT we will definitely handle his unknown self esteem issue. Now go back your body you're making a scene.'

'Oh lord Liam, thank you! Thank you, thank you. BUT, I don't have a self esteem issue. I just have a phobia involving looks and cheerleaders,' I said with great relief.

'I'm not even gonna dignify that statement. Go back to your body,' he dismissed me.

Without me realizing it, I was already in my bed and my room had surprising company. The palace doctor was checking my pulse and I had quite a handful of visitors. Mother dowager, the emperor, and the empress were in my room. Kya! The Fl came to visit me!

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