Leanne 6.0

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"Ahhh, Lea. Come sit next to us, we were waiting for you," said my dad while patting the seat next to him, with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, the girls and I got caught up in the moment," I said as I walked towards them, "Good evening, I'm Leanne Snow," I said to the other strangers in the room. There was one woman that looked like she was in her forties. She was dressed very elegantly and didn't look to please to be in the room since her facial expression wasn't....... exceptional. There was also four other gentleman that varied in age but not in handsomeness. There was one older man that looked to be about my grandpa's age, he had a very nice smile on his face and you could notice by his figure that he used to be extremely handsome during his time (maybe as handsome as my grandpa). Then there was a man that looked to be a few years older than my father (Although, I wouldn't count on it since my dad and grandpa looked too young for their age). He was kind of average compared to the other three but that didn't mean he was ugly.... he was kind of charming. Then there was one that looked to be about 24 and I swear that if I was a few years older I would eat him with whip cream. He was about 6,4 with broad shoulders and a straight back. Although his face didn't compare to the little brat on his left, that body was to die for. He was wearing a suit but I could clearly see the amazing figure beneath it. Meow. Finally, there was my target in all of his glory. Dylan Oxford. He was approximately 6,2 feet tall, with a straight back and a good style. You could clearly see through his suit that he exercise and had a nice figure. Although his body didn't look as good as the man next to him, you could tell that it was only a matter of time before that got to resolve. His face was... nice. Although I'm too proud to admit it this man is really the God's favorite, a straight nose, a thin knife-like sexy lips, and facial features that looked like they were done by artists. Perfectly impeccable. His body exuded a rigid and cold atmosphere, which made him look noble and charming.

"So, this is the girl I've been hearing so much about? She's grown a lot since the last time I saw her" said the much older man with a large smile, "Yeah, this is my granddaughter, Leanne," said grandpa as I sat down elegantly to make a good impression.

"Hahaha, she's very lovely," he said as I smile without replying to his comment.

"Lea, this is Logan Oxford, you're grandpa's friend from the army and his family. He used to come and visit you when you were a baby," said my mom as she grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle a squeeze. "This is my son, Peter. His wife, Natalia, and my two grandson's Michael and Dylan," said Logan.

"It's nice to see you again, grandpa, and it's very nice to meet you, uncle and auntie," I said with my signature smile.

"You've grown girl, in what grade are you?" asked grandpa Logan.

"I'm currently a sophomore in high school," I said

"It's nice being young, these two brats are already grown. Michael is a general in the army and Dylan is already in college," he said, as I look towards the topic of the conversation who didn't look too pleased to be here. Michael had a calm aura about him but, his smile wasn't really a smile and Dylan seem........ cold. Which I understand, I'm currently a brat under their eyes. I mean I'm a beauty and I currently look stunning. However, I'm still younger than them, so I guess I have no sex appeal in their eyes. "The army? that must be exciting. Did you join because of your family, Michael?" I asked with a surprised expression, even though I already knew he was in the army.

"No, I just feel that it's an honor to serve my country. Although my family had a lot to do with it, it was ultimately my decision," he said with a serious and smiling expression.

"That's very brave of you," I said with admiration dripping off me.

 "What about you, Dylan? Are you studying anything interesting in college?" I asked to make it look like I got more interested in his brother's career and am just asking about his to not make things awkward.

"Nothing interesting, just business," he said with a formal tone.

"That's nice I study business when I was in high school and my Leanne is gonna study the same thing, with other classes, of course," said my dad, trying to dissipate the awkwardness. "So, Leanne, is trying to follow her father's footsteps," said Dylan's father. "Yeah, she............

The elders continue to talk about us and their work while we just sat there seemingly unbothered. 'Host, why don't you do anything to be alone with the male lead and make him fall for you?' Asked Liam.

'I'm not really planning to make him fall for me. Right now, I'm just going to make sure he remembers my existence as his fiancee and at least puts a face to my name before he becomes all annoying with the female lead,' I said

'Host, you sure are taking your sweet time,' said Liam, with a judgmental voice.

'I wanna enjoy my youth, okay?,' I said complaining.

'Do whatever you want,' he said

"Lea, are you listening?" asked my mother while touching my arm.

"Sorry, I space out," I said

"Why don't you and Dylan take a walk in the garden. I heard the they have nice fountains here," said my mother while I looked at her with a gaze that said, 'are you trying to sell me away?'

"You're young, go take a walk and talk about stuff you both like," said Dylan's grandfather. I swear is 'You're young' his favorite thing to say? Is the only thing he's been saying since I came here.

"Sure," said Dylan. I guess he's tired of sitting there listening to so much fake talk. 

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