Leanne 25.0

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Once I left the restaurant the girls were in, I told my driver Johnny, to take me to another restaurant that was five minutes away. Which made him look at me weird but, I told him I was meeting someone there. I think he didn't believe me since, I'm always making him take me to different food places. He's probably the only person that knows how much I like to eat. Anyway, once I got there I went to the second floor where people didn't really order food but pastries to accompany their tea. It was basically where girls came to gossip. Fortunately, it was a week day and it was pretty early. So, not a lot of people where there. That person and I practically had the whole floor to ourselves.

Once I saw her sipping her tea and talking to one of the waiters, I walked elegantly towards her with a smile on my face. She notice my presence and furrowed her brows but, I didn't take it too hard. Since, if I was her I wouldn't like me either.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Snow. May I know why you wanted to meet me?" She asked getting straight to the point. She really doesn't like me.

"Good afternoon, Emma. How are you doing today?" I asked while sitting down and completely ignoring her cold attitude.

"I was doing better before seeing you. Why am I here?" She asked again with a colder tone. I raised my index finger at her signaling her to wait a second.

"Excuse me, may I have a slice of red velvet cake and a cup of chamomile tea. Thank you," I said to the waiter.

"You brought me here to eat cake?" Asked the villianess of the story.

"No, I brought you here because you'll become a very important person to me in the future and I want to get to know you better," I said to her.

"So you came to check out the competition?" She asked with a sarcastic laugh.

"What competition?" I asked her with humor in my voice. Her brows furrowed a little bit and she said, "I'm not gonna give up on big brother dylan just because, he's a little confuse."

"Oh that's too bad because, he's not at all confused. In fact you're the one who's confused here," I said to her as I unlocked my phone and scrolled down to find a picture.

"I am not confuse. For your information Dylan and I have known each other our whole lives," she said trying to show how close the two of them were.

"That's nice, we've been engaged for five years. If he had any feelings whatsoever towards you, you would've been married in some tropical island with his mother as a witness. To escape the fact that his grandfather doesn't like you. However, he made the fact that he doesn't like pretty clear throughout the years," I said to her as her face turn ugly at my words. 

"What do you know about us!? He and I..."

"Never existed," I said interrupting her. "He's a man if he loves a woman he will go after her. If you think that he hasn't confessed to you because, his grandfather doesn't like you think again. His mother, the person that gave him life doesn't like me and I'm still going to marry him whether she likes it or not. But you are still here. After loving him for 21 years he hasn't returned you're affection. You went to a good school and got good grades. Why are so stupidly delusional when it comes to love? I bet my life in the fact that there's a person out there who loves unconditionally and you're doing them the same thing Dylan is doing to you. Only worse because you pretended their feelings didn't existed. Dylan was kind enough to refuse you multiple times." 

Emma's face was red thanks to her anger and she asked, "do you think that by coming here and giving a speech I'm going to give up?"

"No, by coming here and giving a speech I'm showing that I cared about you and warned you that you're not only hurting that person's feelings but, also Dylan's. He thinks of you as a sister and if you start interfering with our relationship or keep following him showing how much you love him. He will get sick and disappointed in you," I told her with a serious expression on my face. Not at all mocking her but, showing her the reality. 

After I finish talking sad tears fell from her eyes and she said in a soft voice, "he doesn't love you."

I sighed softly and showed her a picture on my phone, that made her cry louder. The picture was a selfie in which I was sitting on Dylan's lap and he was kissing my cheek while I was laughing because it tingle a little.  

"Do you really think he would be with me if he didn't? Do you think the man you fell in love with decided to marry a girl without loving her? Cause, I don't. His pride wouldn't allow him to marry someone he doesn't like and you know it. Emma, he loves you and I would hate seeing him lose you. The only reason his attitude towards you got colder is because, you force him to distance himself from you. At this rate he's not going to be the only one giving up on you," I said to her. Since, believe it or not I sympathize with her. 

She has love one person purely her whole life but, then a girl appear out of no where trying to take what was her. If I were her I would be pissed to say the least. The funny thing is that that girl's me at the moment. So, the last thing I can do is stop her before she gets too carried away and never make the ML go through what he went through with the Fl. I'm not gonna run to other men when I get angry with him nor am I not going to express my feelings and create misunderstandings between the two of us. I'll try to make everyone in this world (except the fl) happy.

 "You fucking suck," she said while grasping my phone between tears.

"I get that a lot," I told her.


Author's note:  Hello my beautiful readers,

I'm so excited that I'm almost done with Leanne. Even though, it feels a little rush. Don't worry about anything I'll make sure that I don't leave anything unsettled. I love you all and I want to thank you for the support I received so far. Your comments, stars, and love for this novel are pushing me to keep writing and that's truly amazing. I really love guys.


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