Leanne 5.0

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Group Chat:

Elizabeth: Lea, are you almost here?

Leanne: I'm entering the building right now.

Kate: Do you care to explain, why you're always late?

Leanne: .......

Mona: We'll wait for you next to the cake table. Come soon or Elizabeth will finish everything by herself.

Elizabeth: I'm right next to you.

Mona: Then why are you texting?

Leanne: Girls, please stop for a sec and look up for a second.

They all stop looking at their phones and towards me, "you could've said you were there," said Elizabeth with pouty lips.

"I could've, but it was more fun like this. Since now you don't have time to clean that whip cream off your face," I said as I took a picture of her with a mustache made out of whip cream from the Hawaiian poke cake she was eating.

"Ahhh," she uttered with red cheeks, "erase that," she said as she came towards me trying to take the phone away from me.

"In your dreams. I'm gonna hang this in my bedroom wall," I said as I hid behind Kate.

"Enough you two. We're in public," she said as I notice a few stares coming towards us, "smile."

"Hahaha, I guess we can't keep playing now," I smile as I look towards Elizabeth.

"See, that's because you're childish," said Elizabeth while moving her hips and I swear if she had two ponytails, she would look like the ultimate tsundere.

"You do know you still have whip cream in your mouth, right?" I asked

"Damn," she said as she grabbed a napkin from the table and cleaned her mouth.

"Lea, I save your favorite red velvet cake," said Mona as she pulled out a chair for me.

"Thanks, love, you're the best!!!," I said as I ran towards my cake.

"You were late, did something happened?" Asked Kate as she sat down.

"Nothing important, my dad and grandpa were being annoying, that's all," I said with my mouth full of cake.

"Where is your family? They are usually super protective, I didn't think they were gonna leave you alone as soon as you came," said Mona.

"They are socializing or dancing. I don't know," I said checking my phone, "Kate, do you have what I wanted?" I asked while checking my text messages.

"Yes, I send it to your E-mail as a private file," said Kate.

"Ohhhh, thanks," I said as I opened the file.

"What are you guys talking about?" Asked Elizabeth.

"Lea wanted me to spy on her fiancee before she met him tonight," Said Kate.

"WHAT???" asked Elizabeth and Mona at the same time.

"You have a fiancee?" asked Elizabeth while whispering.

"Yes, but is more like an arrangement, at least in my part," I said.

"Why are you spying on him?" asked Mona.

"He's here tonight and I will like to know a few a things about my future possible husband," I said while scrolling through my phone.

"Why are you engage to someone you don't know?" asked Mona.

"Because the hierarchy sucks, baby," I responded.

"Kate, you usually are the responsible one. Why did go along with Leanne's nonsense this time?" Asked Mona, while frowning.

"It's not nonsense," I said, "Well, wouldn't you be curious to know the future Mr. Snow," said Kate as she fixed her glasses.

"What did you find out about Lea's fiance?" Asked Elizabeth.

"He comes from a military family. However, instead of going to the army, he decided to study business. He had an amazing GPA in high school but it's now a freshman in Harvard University," said Kate.

"Fancy, but where's the real juice?" Asked Mona. Although Kate, was still in high school she was an amazing programmer. Her family owns a software company. So, you can technically say that Kate didn't fall far from the technology tree. "The juice is that there's no real juice. He's eighteen but he doesn't have any records. He doesn't have a parking ticket, a speeding ticket, or anything and no human can be that perfect. Which means that his family pays for his messes (If he has any). Although, I didn't hack into their bank's account. I'm pretty sure they've tipped off people, to protect their reputation. Since there's simply no gossip about him," said Kate.

"Lea, what do you think?" Asked.

"Who knows, parents (authors) want their children to be perfect. So maybe, they are doing what Kate says. However, I doubt it. My grandfather loves his friends from the army but, he loves me a thousand times more. He wouldn't put with anyone below his expectations," I said, "However, you did a pretty decent job, Kate. I'm gonna have to watch what you do in my files one of these days," I said.

"You wouldn't catch me peeking even if you wanted to," said Kate with a proud expression.

"That's my girl," I said.


"Sorry, it looks like my mother wants me to go to her. I'll catch guys later," I said knowing perfectly well why.

"Good luck"

"Don't do anything stupid"


"I will," I said.


I went to find my parents on the 5th floor of the building. When I entered a saw a few figures, including who I was looking for, Dylan Oxford. 'smile' I assured you that you won't escape from my pretty claws.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman. Sorry to make you wait," I said as I entered the room.

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