Sang Yunxie 1.3

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Thankfully I transmigrated into a novel where women had a little more freedom. I read some novels in which showing even your wrist was considered sexual. Fortunately, the women in this era dressed beautifully. Not only did they bared their shoulders but their clothes were styled low cut showing the fullness of their milk white bosoms. Which gives me more freedom when it comes to deciding what dresses to wear.

After I felt relaxed enough I got out of the wooden tub and walked towards the dressing or closet area. Again I was amazed by how big the space was. Usually, noble ladies got five expensive dresses for each season and they style it differently to create variation.

Yet, empress dowager decided to spoil this body and build her a palace bigger than the empress' and gave her a multitude of expensive gifts that she received in the past. Sang Yunxie's closet was basically an entire room filled with expensive dresses that would make any noble lady jealous and jewelry that men wished they owned because of how expensive it was. Damn, I love being rich.

"Mistress, what do you think about this outfit? It's kind of warm outside so I feel like wearing this would be appropriate," said Xin You as she held a white and pink dressed up. The dress had intricate green designs that complimented the pink color and made it look like it belonged to a flower.

Honestly, the past me wouldn't have worn something like this. One because I lived in the modern times. Two because it wouldn't suit my charming appearance. However, I was currently in the body of a fourteen who looked like a blossoming flower. Gentle and delicate. This body would certainly look good wearing this type of design.

When I tried it on I discovered that I'm always right. My delicate appearance looked more lively thanks to the bright colors but I still had that gentle air surrounding me. It's nice feeling like a flower.

"Xin You, let's go greet mother dowager," I said as I grabbed a pink pien mien fan and looked at myself one last time.

Xin You said, "as you wish," and then kneel so that I could walk in front of her. I went passed her like it was the most normal thing in the world and she followed me. Usually ladies of high ranking had at least five servant girls following them around. However, I enter the palace a week ago and only brought one of the servant girls I grew up, Xin You. Empress Dowager said not to worry that she had was for a couple of servants train by the most famous flower house in the country. A very pretty name for business that sold human beings.

 In the story Xin You, always  did what Sang Yunxie told her. She even tried to poison the empress when I was feeling sad about the Ml and Fl falling in love. Unfortunately, she died in the process. In this life time I'll make sure that she doesn't become so stupid and try to poison the mother of the kingdom. That's my job.

In the way to the empress dowager courtyard we encountered multiple servants and concubines that the empress dowager brought for her son. Although, I understand that it was normal for a girl to get married at thirteen in ancient china. The sight of so many young girls for a single man sicken me. Then I remembered that I was one of them. So, I raised my head and walked indifferently. I just need to complete my mission, enjoy the experience and I'll be on my way to the next world.

After a long walk we reached the palace of empress dowager. The walk was so long that I pray to god for the servants to come from the flower house. I needed people to carry my sedan chair as soon as possible.

When we entered the residence of empress dowager multiple servants smiled at me since they knew that I was favored by her. Then we reached the receiving hall or throne room. Although, I was favored by empress dowager, I was still two ranks lower than her. I couldn't just walk in when I felt like it. After the eunuch made the announcement that I was there we were granted entrance.

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