Leanne 9.0

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After getting home, I took a shower and proceeded to do my nightly beauty routine. Which is great because the only thing I need to do is put my homemade beauty products on and enter the tub full with rose water.

Yes, I know what you're thinking: "Eleanor, you wash two times?" *this was said in an annoying mean girl voice.*

The answer is yes. The first time is to take the sweat and dirt off my body and the other one is to enjoy myself. I like being in the water, it makes me feel safe, relax, and everyt...

"Host, who the heck are you talking to?" Said a perplexed voice in my head.

"Obviously, I'm talking to my readers," I said with a duh expression on my face.

"Huh?" Said a perplexed Liam, again. So I decided to explain my logic to him, "Well think about. I'm a host with a system and am transmigrating to different worlds, completing missions. This sounds like something out of a webnovel, which means that... IM IN A WEBNOVEL," I said sounding as if I had just discovered America.

"Host, I didn't think that the time to tell you this was gonna come so fast but..." Liam sounded like he was about to tell me some extremely difficult, "you are extremely, no. You are utterly. no. You are indisputably, stupid," said liam sounding angry. Like really angry. Like angry angry.

"I mean. Didn't you say that you were gonna excel in everything you do? Then why don't you take this time to do something productive, like reading a book, huh? Besides, no author would create such a pervert, layback, and cunning character."

"You'll be surprised how many copies of me, have been created by genius authors, Liam," I said like an elderly figure, "plus, I'm just joking with you. Your easy to mess with and it's kind of creepy when I'm alone in the bathroom so, I like having someone to (bother and) talk to," I said with innocent eyes.

"I can still hear your thoughts," he said.

"Hehehe," I laughed meekly.


"Okay, class. Put your pencils down and turn your assignments in. I just finished grading the Macbeth essays and as promised, I'm gonna project the top five scores, while also giving prizes to the top three," Said the English teacher.

'Host, isn't this teacher just trying to shame the students?' asked Liam

'Is called, healthy competition. By posting the students with the best scores on the board, it motivates the average students to try their best and receive recognition. Personally, I love this since, well, you know... I always have the best grades,' I said to Liam In my head while mentally flipping my hair.

'Host your narcissism doesn't have limits,' said Liam.

'Of course, it doesn't,' I said.

"Leanne, sweetheart, do you mind coming up?" Asked the English teacher.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Alvarez," I apologized for not paying attention as I got up to received my award.

"Now class, I thought that Leanne's essay was the best because, not only did she have a great thesis and organization, but she did the essay in old English. Normally, I wouldn't accept this. However, she came to me a few days back saying, that the assignment wasn't challenging enough and that it will be best for her to understand the beauty of Shakespeare stories by writing them in his language. So, not only did she created a beautiful masterpiece, but she advocated and challenge herself," said the teacher, while my class started applauding.

"Here's your prize, Leanne. Four homework passes and one late project pass," said the teacher as she handed me five colored note-cards with her signature in them.

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