Sang Yunxie 1.26

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The female lead couldn't bear being in the room any longer. She was advised by her maids to come and declare her position as empress but after witnessing all of... this, she didn't know how.

First of all, coming into the residence of Sang Yunxie was a full ordeal. It was surrounded by tons of guards and every single one of your moves were subtlely watch. Not to mention, that everything she saw could easily be worth entire cities.

The aesthetic of the place was unbelievable. When you enter it a sweet calming smell attacked her senses making her feel at home and nothing had a speck of dust. The place was huge and the furniture and decorations were beautiful.

She was the empress but her place wasn't so heavily guarded nor so grand. Making her feel like she was treated unjustly.

Then she met the devil herself and she couldn't understand how. How could someone be so beautiful. She heard the rumors and she thought people were just exaggerating but the fainted girl in front of her was georgeus.

Her eyes were closed but her lashes were long and dark. Her skin was crystal clear and her lips were naturally red. Not to mention that her damp long hair had a few rose petals stuck in them giving people the illusion of a delicate rose.

As soon as the FL saw Sang Yunxie she felt slightly discouraged. But the thing that really hit the nail in the head was the attitude of the empress dowager and the emperor.

The empress dowager had a panicked and worried look on her face while the emperor was rushing the doctor.

The FL simply couldn't believe it! She understood that the empress dowager was worried because she spent a lot of time with Sang Yunxie but the emperor was too much!

First he ran to his consort during their wedding night instead of talking things through like adults. Then he barely acknowledged her and acted all worried because of Sang Yunxie. He barely knew her!

Then when someone finally acknowledged her presence it was Sang Yunxie. Ugh! As they talked she couldn't do anything except keep a polite smile. While Sang Yunxie talked to her as if she was having the time of her life.

Her smile was beautiful and mischievous. The Fl didn't want to admit it but she felt slightly jealous of Sang Yunxie's appearance. When she woke up she looked like a pitiful princess, then she acted spoiled with the empress, and then all lady like.

The FL didn't want to admit it but Sang Yunxie was truly gorgeous. Every gesture of hers was elegant and pure.

However, the FL didn't know why but she felt like Sang Yunxie's words were full of sarcasm. It was like she was trying to say sweet and sugary words but she couldn't control the sarcasm within them.

It was really nerve wracking. At least now she knew who Sang Yunxie was. She just didn't know how to act in front of her but she knew she was gonna have to establish her position as empress.

Although she was planning to leave she couldn't let herself be bullied by anyone.

Unfortunately, as they were speaking the emperor couldn't shut his trap and basically flirted with his consort in front of his her. The FL, the actual wife of the emperor.

The FL couldn't understand the sour feeling that surged within her. She wasn't planning on staying in this place for long but she at least wanted the respect she deserved while she was still here.

Yet her husband couldn't keep his eyes off his mistress. Ugh!


ML why do you hate me? I'm trying to make the FL like me. Why are you saying stuff like that? Don't you know that I'm illegal. You're like fifty and I'm like twelve. It's just not possible. Let me be free!

'Are you on drugs?'

'This is my coping mechanism. How the hell am I supposed to deal with a confession from such a hot man. Have you seen him? He's like the Chinese Apollo.'

'...Just say thank you.'


"Thank you," after the ML's "slip of tongue" everyone in the room stayed quiet. It was so nerve wracking that thank you was the only way I could say to break the ice.

After my very sensible choice of words the empress dowager looked at me with a huge grin, the doctor darted his eyes back forth and tried coughing, the FL's expression became distorted and her hand turn into a fist.

"If imperial consort Sang feels better, Chenqie feels it's more sensible to let you rest without disturbances. So Chenqie will be taking her leave." Said the empress with a fake ass smile. Hasn't anyone taught her how to fake it? It's the most important lesson a woman can learn.

"I thank your majesty for her consideration. However, I'm not very tired. Your majesty on the other hand just moved in. You must be exhausted. Go rest and feel free to let Chenqie know if you need anything. I'll have the servants get it for you," I said with such a sweet smile. Sure I implied that she doesn't have the power to order the servants around but can you blame me. Can you blame beauty reincarnated? Are you blaming me cause I'm hot? You bitch...

The Fl's expression became harsh and she said, "There's no need for that. I believe that I have the power to order a couple servants around don't I?" 

I smiled and kindly explained, "Did you consummate the marriage? If you did it would be fine but since you didn't the servants don't know how to treat you. So until you do please ask me if you need anything."

For some reason the atmosphere in the room shifted. The doctor was keeping his head extremely down, mother dowager had this strange excited expression, and the emperor was looking at me with wide eyes.

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