Leanne 22.0

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"So, miss rose what do you do for a living?" Asked Kate even though she already knows. I might have told them everything that happened that day.

The FL was looking very uncomfortable and I don't mean to be narcissistic but, my babies are the most beautiful creatures that were ever created by god. While, the Fl's looks are just passing. Not to mention that she and I were wearing the same color dress, making the situation kind of awkward. If we were in the same room and wearing different colors people might've been able to point out good aspects about her physique. However, my looks are above hers so, me being next to her in the same shade just makes her blend into the background like a nobody. Not to mention that she's surrounded by beautiful people covered in expensive jewelry. In simple terms she looks and is feeling like an ugly duckling.

"I work as an assistant an assistant in Ox Corps," she said with a force smile.

"That's interesting, what are you're duties?" Asked Elizabeth with a smile. I would like to say that, we absolutely do not judge people by their social background or how much they earn or what kind of jobs they have. However, we're like family and if there's someone our family doesn't like, we look for faults and make them feel ashamed of their own existence.

The Fl sense that Elizabeth thought little of her job and said, "I usually work closely with the CEO and receive important guests," with a proud expression.

"That sounds like a very important position. I bet you do a hell of a job receiving important guests and making sure they don't feel offended right?" Elizabeth kept going with mockery in her voice. Since, the FL clearly doesn't do a good job (I'm living proof). Thankfully, we were in a pretty secluded table where no one was listening and we were all giving the FL nice smiles so, if someone passed by it would look like we were trying to make her feel welcome since she clearly looks like an outsider.

 "I... try my... best," said the Fl gritting her teeth and bowing her head.

I smiled and said, "you sure do," with a pleasant voice and frosting on lip.

"Lea, you have a little bit of frosting in your lips," said Mona as she moved closer to me and gently cleaned it away with her napkin. I sense the Fls stare at how close we were so, I smiled at her. Usually, the female leads in books are just looking for guys attention and for the life of me I can't understand why they can't have a nice friendship with someone of equal social standing. If Fls do have a friendship with someone, that person is either gonna be male (sml) or a servant girl, who was poor and the FL magically saved her and now the friend loves the fl and she will look after her until she's done conquering the male lead. So, that she can date the second male lead and the FL doesn't feel guilty for playing with his feelings and keep playing the victim card. Obviously, the fl still doesn't have a best friend that plays an important role in the story because, the Fl is still poor and no one can be above her. So, I'm basically flaunting that I'm richer, prettier, and have more friends than her.

"Thanks babe," I said smiling at Mona and stealing a quick and hard kiss from her cheek.

"Stop doing that, your lipstick is all over my face now," she said with an angry expression that wasn't really that angry.

"If you want you can kiss me anywhere you want as revenge," I told her while clinging to her arm like a spoiled child.

"Can I  kiss you goodbye? We are trying to have a conversation here," said Elizabeth with an annoyed face.

"Sorry baby," I said.

She rolled her eyes at me and went back to the FL. "So you said that you work closely with the CEO right?" She asked.

"Yes," at this point the Fls eyes were cold and it almost made me feel bad for her. Until I realize.... I'm a bitch.

"Then you must feel really proud that because of you're assistance he was able to have this amazing party, right?" Asked Mona, knowing that fl only serves coffee at the company and does nothing important.

"Yes," she said looking like if she wanted to leave.

"Does he treat you nicely?" Mona kept asking without even bothering to look at how ugly the Fl's expression was and we didn't either. I mean we noticed but we kept smiling.

"Do you guys always do this!?" Asked the Fl in a loud voice that attracted the attention of a few people. Although, not a lot since we were pretty secluded and people were dancing with music blasting not paying attention to us. Only a few tables that were near looked to what was happening.

"Excuse me?" Asked Elizabeth looking confuse.

The Fl looked like she was almost in tears, "you act like if you're trying to make small talk but, you're words have knifes hidden inside them. The only thing you've done since, you invited me is making me feel inferior and for your information the CEO and I have a very close relationship. He treats me better than anyone else at the company and is always looking out for me. He values me a lot and I bet you would regret it if he saw how bad you guys are treating someone he likes," she said looking flushed.

"I accept your bet," I said to her and looked behind her.

"Dylan dear, I was told you would make me suffer for treating badly someone you have a close relationship with and really like," I said smiling gently at my so called, "fiancee."


Author's note: Honestly I wrote this myself and I know how trashy it sounds but, whatever. I've warned you a million times that I'm a trashy writer and I'm not that good at doing drama. Thanks to my sarcasm I'm a drama free student. Which is rare... I know.

PS: Sorry for the bad chapter. Click the star, comment, and be nice I'm giving you daily chapters.




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