Sang Yunxie 1.22

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In a tranquil pavilion with no fencing, surrounded by clear blue waters and lotus flowers, a figure of graceful demeanour was sitting in the middle surrounded by plates filled with desserts and a few pieces of paper.

Her beautiful long dark hair was loosely scattered down her back. Making her figure look more gentle and her skin more radiant.

She was carrying a shallow smile as she petted the soft fur of a white cat that submissibly rested on her lap while gently purring.

That was the sight that greeted the ml as soon as he walked into the garden.

After what happened last night he was a bit anxious to face her.

This morning was fine because he was still trying to soak everything in but now that he did he was a bit uneasy. It was true that she was technically his but the only reason he decided to take her was because of his anger. Now he felt like he owe her something.

But he didn't know why.

Noticing how concentrated she was on stroking the cat, he walked up to her and signaled the servants surrounding the pond to leave.

"Sang Yunxie," he called out.

She suddenly turned her head and smiled as soon as she saw him, "your highness." She sounded surprised as she was about to get up to greet him.

"There's no need, just sit," he commanded feeling guilty for his actions last night.

"Yunxie thanks his highness for his consideration," she said with a gentle smile.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Chenqie's doing well. Would you be kind enough to join me?" She asked.

The ml decided to sit down next to her but soon noticed the items that were in front of him.

The table was full of colorful, translucent, and beautiful object. He was a man who had the world in his hands but didn't know what the things in front of him were so he asked, "what's this?"

"Chenqie, felt the weather was a bit warm so she asked for some cooling snacks from her kitchen." She swiftly answered.

He felt surprised to find out they were edible but didn't show it in his face.

Sang Yunxie knew that he didn't what they were so she started to explain.

"These are some of the dishes Chenqie created while messing around. This is a raindrop cake, this one is pudding, this one is..." as she told him the names she brought the plates closer and explained how they were made.

"Your mind is full of good ideas. Why haven't you released these recepies to the public?" He asked confused. It's true that the women in this time value recepies and beauty routines but she didn't seemed like the type of woman who had such a close mind. Plus it will bring her more fame.

Unfortunately, she was that type of woman. She valued beauty and things that made her stand out. BUT, she wasn't gonna let the ml think badly of her so she quickly came up with an excuse.

"Chenqie feels that it's gonna bring more harm than good. Not all of your subjects have access to the same resources and if I release my recepies, it will only serve as another difference between the poor and the wealthy. Plus, it's good to have something that you can only find at the palace, it makes it more... mystical."

"Unfortunately, none of us are mystical........."

"I like to pretend."

At this point the ML had nothing to contribute to the conversation. For some reason, he was nervous to confront her after what happened last night, yet, now that he was in her presence he felt unusually calm. Her easy going attitude surprised him. Shouldn't she be blushing or acting spoiled in front him?

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