Sang Yunxie 1.21

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When the fl heard the announcement she couldn't help herself from thinking: crap! Aren't people usually tired from activities like that? Why is he here?

The ml walked inside the room looking majestic and accidentally locked eyes with the fl, who was staring at him with big eyes filled with fear.

He couldn't help himself from clenching his fists as he walked in and his eyes became visibly colder.

The empress dowager noticed his change in expression and couldn't stop herself from smiling.

The ml finally reached them and slightly bowed saying, "zhen greets mother empress." With no expression on his face.

"Yifeng! Come sit next to aijia, how are you feeling?" The empress dowager was visibly excited for his appearance. Her smile was big as she patted the seat next to her.

The ml mindlessly sat next to her and servants quickly served him a cup of tea.

"We were just talking about the events last night. Aijia was told that you weren't feeling well so she was worried. Was it anything serious?" The empress dowager asked with clear worry in her eyes.

The ml was confused and noticed that there was another person staring at him with begging eyes. She looked at him with a desperate stare and clutched her handkerchief with all of her strength. Anyone who saw this would immediately want to help the beauty in distress.

The ml was clueless of what was happening but he still maintained a clear mind. The girl in front of him clearly came up with an excuse for last night's events and was asking for his help. He had two options: 1.) Help her 2.) Don't help her.

Fortunately for the Fl, the ML had calmed down and had thought things through. He did feel very annoyed with her. However, if he right out denies her excuses she wouldn't have any face left. Imagine, the most powerful woman in the nation, the actual wife of the emperor is a liar. What would people say?

Although he was annoyed at her he had to protect his face too.

"Zhen was indeed feeling a bit uncomfortable last night," he stated.

In the original story the same thing happened. The FL refused him and he retorted by helping her. The FL didn't understand why but she was extremely grateful. Allowing a series of kind exchanges between the two to start. Unfortunately, this wasn't the same for the original Sang Yunxie who outright bully the empress of the nation. Making the emperor think she didn't have any brains and was a walking time bomb.

"Is that right?" Said the empress dowager as she looked towards the FL who was looking at the ML with forever grateful eyes.

The Fl didn't understand why he helped her. Then she remembered, although she offended him, she was still his wife. Even if he didn't saw her as so, he needed to at least act like the tittle of empress matter to him by making sure people didn't disrespect her. That was the only logical explanation.

The FL was feeling pretty happy with herself and decided to start a conversation with the empress.  "Mother empress, Chenq..."

Unfortunately, just her son defended her didn't mean that the empress liked her. "Aijia assumes that there's no handkerchief... well, at least not from you. Yunfei, where's Yunxie?" The empress dowager ruthlessly asked.

Thanks to her words some of the servants couldn't help but move their heads to the side trying to contain their laughter. Although they did pity the poor girl, they were not on her side. All of them got more accustomed to the fairy who was always gentle and kind.

The fl could clearly see their reactions but couldn't do anything about it so just looked at the floor.

"She's resting," the Ml blankly responded.

"That's also fine. She usually wakes up very late anyway. The empress just explained to aijia what happened last but there seemed to be a little misunderstanding. So aijia wanted to hear it from your own mouth."

Although she already shamed the empress, she still wanted to hear the truth. What happened last night wasn't a small matter. In fact it's a shameful matter.

It's true that people weren't going to talk about the emperor but they were going to talk about the empress. Not the person but the position of the empress. Is it safe? Does she have any power? Is she hideous? Is there gonna be an heir? WHAT'S HAPPENING?

"Zhen was a bit uncomfortable and didn't feel like staying there," the ml responded like it didn't matter.

Although he could've shamed her or exposed that she had another person at heart. He didn't. Simply because he was a prideful man.

If word got out that the son of heaven was rejected, it would be... very fucked up. So he decided to dismiss the entire thing before it got out of control.

However, the empress dowager wasn't willing to let this go. Yet, when she was about to speak her mind again, she noticed the look in her son's eyes and decided to drop it.

The fl was having mixed feelings. She was grateful he didn't exposed her first lie and angry that HE lied.

Like that, the three most powerful people in the nation met face to face.

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