Love Game

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Summary: Chanyeol's a sleepy gangster but Baekhyun just wants to play.

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Chanyeol hates sleeping on the top bunk. His feet go a little over edge and it's just small in general, but Baekhyun makes things worse by violently tossing and turning every 10 minutes, shaking the whole bed.

Jongin and Sehun are in their beds, snoring loudly. They're practically both dead, passed out by their near death experiences down by the lake.

The gangster spends a good hour and a half trying to sleep, but something always wakes him up. It's either Baekhyun's inability to stay still or the other two's snoring.

He tries to sleep again after Baekhyun shakes the bunk bed for the 100th time... only for his sleep to be interrupted by the sound of the ladder beside his bed creaking.

Peeking over with one eye, Chanyeol can see the outline of a person looking at him. He doesn't even need to question who.

"Can I sleep with you?"

"There's no room."

Baekhyun goes silent for a second. Maybe, Chanyeol thinks, for once, he'll take the hint and go back down the ladder. 

Instead, he keeps climbing until he's over the little barrier that's meant to keep the top occupant from accidentally rolling off and Chanyeol's forced to sit up and move aside as Baekhyun climbs in. "Are you serious—" He stops when he feels the runt lay down on the bed. "Hey."

"Shhh." The little asshole has the audacity to shush him. "Jongin and Sehunnie are sleeping."

Groaning, Chanyeol tries to lie back down, but there's no space for his shoulders. Baekhyun's taking up half the damn thing.

Left with no other choice, he grabs Baekhyun by the shoulder and forces him to roll on his side. Grumbling complaints underneath his breath, Chanyeol lays himself in the tight space until he's practically spooning the brunet.

Afterwards, he doesn't know what to do with his arms so he just slings one over Baekhyun's waist and uses the other one as a headrest for himself .

Yawning, Baekhyun makes himself comfortable with his back comfortably against Chanyeol's chest. Reaching down, he puts his hand over the gangster's and laces his fingers between the spaces in between.

For once, there's peace and silence. Yet, like all things, it doesn't last very long.

"Yeol?" Baekhyun shifts, trying to turn his head around, but the tight space doesn't allow him to turn any farther. "What's this?"

Briefly freeing his hand, Baekhyun reaches behind him and cups the spot poking his back. 

Chanyeol flinches, moving his body away. Quickly, he grabs the runt's hand and puts it back where it was before--away from him. "Go to sleep."


"I said go to sleep." 

Baekhyun relaxes his hand, but as soon as Chanyeol loosens his grip, he pushes himself in an upright sitting position. After moving around for a few seconds, he plops back down. This time, he's facing in the gangster's direction. 

"Do you want me to touch it?" 

It's dark in the cabin, so Baekhyun can't really see the look on the boy's face, but something tells him that Chanyeol's probably flustered. "Listen, you idiot--"

Finding the gangster's hand in the dark, Baekhyun brings it up to his (soft) cheek. "Pleaaase?"

"Aren't you tired?" Chanyeol asks, trying to just bypass the whole thing. It doesn't slip his mind that he can just kick the brunet off his bed... but he doesn't want to do that either.

Ignoring the question, Baekhyun gets a little grumpy (in a playful way). Suddenly, all the energy that he lost on the hike comes back out of nowhere. "It's obvious you like me, you know..." he says quietly. "Why don't you want to kiss me?"

"I don't like you."

"Yes, you do!" With his other hand, Baekhyun reaches down and grazes the front of Chanyeol's pajamas. "If you don't, then what's this?"

Chanyeol sharply inhales before he gathers himself and moves the hand away (again). "It's a boner. Ever heard of it?" 

"So, it's for me--"

"It's not," Chanyeol quickly denies... He regrets it almost immediately.

Baekhyun goes silent for few moments before he lets go. Then, he sits up, intending to go back to his own bed.

Hating how cold it suddenly got, Chanyeol sits up and wraps an arm around Baekhyun's waist, preventing the brunet from leaving. Sighing, he leans forward, laying his head down on the latter's shoulder. 


Pursing his lips, Baekhyun turned his head to the side only to be met with the gangster's bed hair softly touching the side of his cheeks. "Don't what?"


"I'm not doing anything," Baekhyun says, playing dumb. "Tell me what you want."

Raising his head, Chanyeol swallows 100 grams of his pride and groans. This whole thing is making him want to curl up and die. "I want you to lie down."

"Okay. I'll go lie down in my bed, then."

Unhappy with the response, Chanyeol growls as he gently tightens his hold on the latter's waist, keeping him still. "I meant here," he says. "Sleep here."

"With you?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" 

Baekhyun stifles a giggle but Chanyeol is able to catch it before the brunet clears his throat and sings, "Maaaybe."

Goddamn it.

"Yeah. With me."

He struggles with saying the words, but it pays off when Baekhyun settles back in bed. They end up in their original position with the brunet's back against him.

Despite their retreat back to square one, Baekhyun doesn't let it go so easily. "Jongdae says people touch each other on this trip," he hums. "I wanted to try it."

Closing his eyes, Chanyeol snorts... but he still moves his hand slightly under the runt's shirt, brushing lightly against his warm stomach. "I'm not doing that here."

Baekhyun gasps as his ears perk. "Then, where do you usually touch people?"

The gangster dismisses the question. "We'll talk about it another time, nerd." 

Exaggeratedly sighing, Baekhyun finally resigns the idea--much to Chanyeol's relief. "Okay," he mumbles as he goes back to holding his boyfriend's hand underneath his shirt. "But we should plan it out or something, like when, where... how. I mean, I'm not trying to be that kind of, um, you know, virgin, but I just want to remember it! I don't really know how these things work and--Oh! You know what? Maybe we should also buy some different scented candles and... Wait! I've heard some people go to, like, love hotels and--"



"Go to sleep."

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a/n: since everyone wanted them to kiss, i made baekhyun touch the wood instead

"Think About It" SPOTIFY PLAYLIST IS NOW AVAILABLE!!! The link will be in the comments and in my profile bio! Or you can look up "Exobubz" on spotify. Its in my public playlist folder.

PS: Anyways, you guys should listen to Spring Day by BTS cause I'm giving you a fat hint about the future angst lmao

Leave a comment! Question: train or airplane?


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