(R)ain Ra(in) Go Away

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun's adjusting to new changes.

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Trying to get back in the groove of being... boyfriends... again— It's kind of hard.

It feels like starting over and building their relationship from scratch (but also not really).

However, Baekhyun doesn't really mind it even though he can tell that Chanyeol's still kind of awkward around him.

Probably out of embarrassment.

A few things have changed and it's kind of a lot to take in... Like the fact that Salem died.

But not really because Baekhyun only says that to get a reaction out of the gangster— which he does.

One thing that actually did change was Chanyeol's living situation— or in the process of.

"You're moving out?"

Baekhyun follows the gangster as he walks down the auto shop aisle trying to find a bolt or something. He doesn't really know what the heck Chanyeol's looking for but it has something to do with his motorcycle and it's kind of hot.



"In an apartment." Chanyeol scoffs at him like he should've known the answer already, but the runt plays it off.

"By yourself?"

"Who else?"

Baekhyun almost says "Rin" just because he's still kind of bitter and jealous but it's the exact same way he felt about Jinah before and blah blah blah— But he doesn't and decides to move on from it.

For now.

After finding what he was looking for, Chanyeol turns around and looks at the way Baekhyun's staring up at him. "What?"

"Nothing." Smiling, Baekhyun shrugs. "I just think it'll be fun to visit you and we'll be alone without, you know! Parents! Maybe Salem can come with me sometimes, too!"

"Right... I'll remember to set you up with a desk in the corner so you can study." Despite moving past him, the gangster makes sure to grab a hold of the latter's hand as he leads them to the cashier. "That's only if I let you come over."

"Well, why wouldn't I be able to?"

"Because you know damn well you won't be studying."

Baekhyun gasps. "But education is so important! Plus I'll have so many assignments and exams to study for, all I'll probably do is study!" He stops. "But, I mean, I can make time for the sex, too. My desk work just has to be on the ground or something. We can't just canoodle on my study desk, butt-naked! It's going to smear ink on my @$$—"

"This is why you're not allowed to visit me unless it's a special occasion." Chanyeol squeezes the runts hand, signaling him to shut up. "Let's talk about this when you get your class schedule."

"That's not until Fall semester starts," Baekhyun huffs. "It's still summer. I want to spend as much time with you while I still can... Are we still going to Lotte World next Saturday? If not, we can do something quieter like... Um. Well, see— I'm staying with my Aunt, right? Well, my aunt and uncle are going to a charity event on Saturday and— Can you just come over? We can play video games or just cuddle."

"I'll think about. I have some business to take care of before hand."

"So... Raincheck?"


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[ From: Chanyeol 💕 ] Are you free Saturday morning? I need to talk to you.

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[ Yeah! Where did you want to meet? ]

Chanyeol locks his phone, then looks up when he sees Baekhyun trying to kick the motorcycle stand back up, resulting in him almost breaking the whole thing.

Cursing underneath his breath, the gangster shoves the phone in his back pocket and runs before the bike has a chance to topple over.

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A/n: nite! We're continuing Tai bc I got an idea involving celebrity shiet

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