Baby Boo Hoo

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster, but Junmyeon's richer.

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[ From: Little Boss 🌱 ] sure! I'll be your tent buddy!

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Sehun doesn't know how he got involved with real gangsters but Luhan and Yifan are always nice enough to give him a ride to Jongin's house in their black sedans.

"So I said, be my tent buddy! Then Little Boss said yes, but I think Boss might come anyways because I heard from Junmyeon and Jinah that Chanyeol got irritated when Taehyung said that he could feel Baekhyun's tears boo-boo-boo-ing on the fifth dimensional plane of emotions— or something like that!"

Luhan nods while Yifan's busy weight bags of grass on a little scale.

Sehun thinks they own a gardening company. How nice.

Gangsters who garden.

"Why don't you just get another tent?" Luhan suggests, talking a bite out of a brownie. "Save yourself the effort and just let them share the Tent-for-Two."

"But then that'll leave them alone!"

"Um, yeah?"

Narrowing his eyes, Sehun frowns. What if Chanyeol doesn't want that? He'll probably get mad— Oh, but Baekhyunnie will probably get mad, too.

They both hate each other now and they'll hate him, too!

"I can't do that!" Sehun shakes his head. "Baekhyun will just share a tent with me. Chanyeol can sleep with a Jonginnie and Taemin... Maybe with Junmyeon, too."

"You're making this more complicated than it needs to be!" Luhan sighs, looking over at Yifan. "Listen, next weekend, I want you to call us and we'll drop off some brownies for you and your friends."

Sehun gasps. How nice!

"Aw, you don't have to!"

"You and your friends need to just lighten up." Luhan looks out the window and sees that they're outside Jongin's house. His driver comes to the stop. "Now, go. Call us if you need anything else, but we're busy until Saturday so leave a voicemail or our secretary Betty will ask you to leave a message."


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Junmyeon struts into MechaDaes after dropping off his all matte-black Lamborghini to the front people and heads straight to the back where Chanyeol's working. "Heard that my baby boo's upset at you and your new boo."

Chanyeol rolls his eyes. "Does everyone here share the same goddamn brain cell? I said it was just fucking casual."

"Casual! You might as well just say you're have multiple-night stands! You know what's casual? Sex. And you know what you do with sex? You do it to your BOO. And you know who your boo is? Not my baby boo!"

"Do you have a fucking point?" Chanyeol growls, throwing a hand towel over his shoulder. "I have work to do."

"No, you don't. You're fired!"


"You heard me! You're fired! And Ms. Rin is also fired! Enjoy being unemployed together. That'll teach you to be casual! Not in front of my brown eyes!"

Chanyeol's has enough. This is all too fucking stupid and annoying.

Why the hell can't they just leave him the fuck alone?

It's already shitty enough that he has to treat the runt like trash. Now this?

Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol crosses his arms. "Alright. What the hell do you want?"

"Baby boo wants you on the camping trip."

"And I told him I didn't have plans to go."

"If you don't go, I won't give you your job back."

Chanyeol stops. "Are you fucking kidding me?" he growls. "Over some dumb camping trip?"

"Money, power, and glory, baby!" Junmyeon exclaims, throwing his arms up in the sky. "Okay, then it's settled! We're leaving Friday afternoon. Don't bring Rin or else babe's probably gonna start crying again!"

Just the thought of it makes Chanyeol wince. "Fine. Friday then."

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A/n: night!

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