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Summary: Baekhyun tries to fit different pieces together on the same board.

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Chanyeol doesn't feel good. He doesn't know if it's from something he ate or from that shitty letter. Whatever it is, he hasn't been in the mood since the little smore thing, and even then, he's still staring at the dark ceiling thinking about it.

Everyone had gone to sleep already.

But sleeping is hard to do when he doesn't feel right and the only thing that does feel as if it's the right thing to do is...

Goddamn it.

Turning on his side, Chanyeol tries to fix his position on the couch, but it's too fucking uncomfortable and he's too damn tall. It doesn't really help much.

The sound of a door creaking open perks his ears and draws his attention away from his own stupid thoughts for a second. He closes his eyes, pretending to be asleep. If it's one of Baekhyun's friends, then he doesn't want to be bothered by them at all.

As the footsteps near, he can tell someone's walking down the stairs.

Great. Someone's coming down for a glass of water. They're probably going to turn on the lights and be fucking annoying about it, too.


Chanyeol opens his eyes. Then, he pushes himself up into a sitting position. "Yeah...?"

Baekhyun turns on a nearby lamp, just enough so he can see where he's going. Afterward, he walks over to the couch and sits on the floor next to it. "I can't sleep," he says quietly. "I feel like you're hurt..."


"I mean, do you have a stomach ache? Are you getting sick? You weren't very involved during dinner or when we wanted to make snowmen outside." Baekhyun looks down at his hands. "Tell me what's wrong. I don't think I'll be able to sleep if you don't."

"I'm..." Chanyeol doesn't know what to say. "It's— I don't know. Maybe it was something I ate at the ski resort. But it's nothing."

"But Yeol—"

"I said... it's nothing."

Baekhyun frowns at him, upset. "Then can I ask you something?"

Lying back down, Chanyeol shrugs. "Yeah."

"You're not faking this and that to avoid hanging out with my friends, right?" Baekhyun asks. "I understand if you are, but— I mean! You wouldn't do that, because... Um..."

"Just go back upstairs, Baek. Go to sleep." Chanyeol puts as arm over his face as he sighs. "I'm not feeling that great right now."

"You didn't answer my question."

"I'm not faking it. Now, can you please just go back upstairs? I'm really tired."

However, Baekhyun doesn't move from the floor. It makes Chanyeol peek open one eye just to see what the guy's doing...

But it's a mistake.

Baekhyun's trying his best to hide it but the hurt and frustration on his face are too obvious.

"I know you're trying, but it's really hard to keep you and my friends happy at the same time— especially when you don't even make an effort to join us for things, which also hurts my feelings."

"Not making an effort?" Chanyeol turns his head at the brunet. "I'm here, aren't I? I begged Jinah for help--even from your precious Junmyeonnie-- just to be here."

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