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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster, and Baekhyun's...

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[ From: Junmyeonieee ] You didn't cum to my party on Saturday, babe :(

[ From: Baekhyunieee ] I forgot Jongdae had a party at the same time, Myeonnie :c

[ From: Junmyeonnieee ] :(

[ From: Baekhyunieee ] We can hang out some other time :)

[ From: Junmyeonnieee ] :) Ice cream?

[ From: Baekhyunnieee ] Okay!

[ From: Junmyeonnieee ] I'll pick you up Wednesday after school. Ditch the gangsters.

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Chanyeol doesn't really wanna let the little runt go. It's really annoying how he'll actually miss the way Baekhyun's stupid nose scrunches up when he laughs— or how annoying his laugh is in general.

It's also really dumb how Baekhyun's really clingy— He always wants to hold hands or hug. Most of the time, it's both. It gets annoying really fast. Like, really fucking annoying...

Looking over to his right, he watches as Baekhyun tries to spoon feed Jongin something from his lunch box while Sehun's sitting in the corner, cheering him on. The runt looks so fucking bubbly and happy, it almost makes the gangster jealous of fucking Jongin.


He'll miss him.

A lot.

It's so fucking stupid and Chanyeol hates that he feels this way. Oddly enough, he doesn't think he can move on from Baekhyun as fast as he got over the rest of them...

He still doesn't even really know if he's going to move on or not.

Probably not...

Maybe if Baekhyun moves on first.

Chanyeol doesn't really have high expectations on the whole long distance thing... Shit never works out.

But Baekhyun's already worried about that whole thing. It wouldn't do either of them any good if he said this shit out loud.

A part of his kinda wishes it'd all work out, but—fuck. Baekhyun's probably gonna find some hot shot at Cal Tech who knows just as much about computers and coding than his little runt does.

The thought of that makes Chanyeol unhappy just because it's an actual possibility.


He was so deep in his thoughts that Baekhyun had somehow magically appeared right next to him.


"It's okay if you don't walk me home today."

Confused, Chanyeol gives him a look. "What do you mean?"

"Junmyeonnie's going to take me to the ice cream parlor since I missed his party last Saturday." Baekhyun snakes his arms around the gangster's waist. "Is that okay?"

Chanyeol looks down and sees those fat, brown eyes... Then he sighs.

"Just don't let him be weird."

"I'll make him pinky swear. Promise." Baekhyun leans over and kisses the gangster on the cheek.

"You better," Chanyeol replies.

Laughing, Baekhyun pulls away and goes back to messing around with the other two, leaving Chanyeol to wonder how long these last few weeks can last.

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A/n: short but from CY's POV


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