The L Word (Loser)

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Summary: Chanyeol's just a gangster, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love him.

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It's 1 a.m in the morning when Baekhyun wakes up from the sound of someone throwing something at his window. At first, he thought it was a ghost so he hid but when he realized that it was coming from outside, the brunet slowly peeked out the window.

It's Chanyeol.

"Open your front door."

Baekhyun only blinks at him, thinking that it's all still a dream. He did go to bed sad and all.

But the pebble being thrown against the window says otherwise.

Flustered and groggy, Baekhyun nods hesitantly before moving away from the window. It still feels like he's dreaming but he shuffles out of his bedroom anyways, trying to be as quiet as possible so his parents don't wake up.

Once he gets to the front door, he slowly opens it but stays behind it like he's hiding from the boy outside his house. "Do you want to come in?"

The giant nods. "Let's go up to your room."

Chanyeol's wearing shorts and a black hoodie with a cap. It looks like a last minute outfit but Baekhyun can't judge because he's in his own pajamas.


Baekhyun closes the door behind him before following Chanyeol up the stairs to his bedroom. He doesn't know what to think...

Maybe Chanyeol was there to break up with him? Or maybe... Fudge. Baekhyun doesn't know why the giant's there.

When they're finally alone, Chanyeol breaks the silence. "We need to talk."

Those 4 words... Jongdae always says that it's the tell-tale sign of something bad in a relationship.

Baekhyun's bottom lip quivers. "Okay..."

Chanyeol glances at the bed. He refuses to sit down but he points to it anyways, non-verbally telling Baekhyun to sit his ass down.

Which he does. Slowly.

Once the runt's sitting on the edge of his bed, Chanyeol crosses his arms together and stands over him. "Are you planning on breaking up with me next week?"

Baekhyun's jaw drops. "What? Who said that?"

"Are you?"

"No!" The way the runt says it makes Chanyeol believe him. "I'm not— Who told you that? Jinah?"

"No," Chanyeol lies but moves on fast enough that Baekhyun can't follow up. "Were you lying to me when you said that you were moving?"


"But you're moving moving... Like, away from here. Somewhere that's not in Seoul—or even this school district."

Baekhyun purses his lips together and looks off. He doesn't want to look the giant in the eyes, but the boy has other plans.

Chanyeol gently forces him to look back up. "Be honest with me."

A few seconds pass. The silence lingers for longer than Chanyeol had anticipated but Baekhyun eventually answers. "I'm going to college in the States..." he said quietly. "I'm moving moving."

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