After School Kisses

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Summary: Chanyeol's a gangster and Baekhyun gets to see his room for the first time.

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Chanyeol's house isn't a mafia hide out station. It's not even really a house, but an apartment that's part of a cute, quiet complex with an old lady living below him who's watering her plants when they arrive.

"Oh, hello, Chanyeol!" The old lady greets him feebly as she tends to her flowers. "Back from school?"


Smiling, she turns her attention to Baekhyun. "And who's this? Your friend?"

"He's a school friend," Chanyeol answers.

Baekhyun's more than just a friend but he doesn't have a label—much to the little runt's visible disappointment— but Chanyeol only rolls his eyes. For someone who always introduced the gangster as a "good friend!" to his mom, Baekhyun had a lot of nerve looking so sad.

After passing by the old lady, they head up the stairs and start passing several apartments before Chanyeol stops at his.

Baekhyun can feel the nervousness running through him, but he tries to stick it out. He wants to make a good first impression anyways.

That all proves to be unnecessary when Chanyeol opens the door and there's no one home.

Frowning, Baekhyun steps, careful to take his shoes off. "Where are you parents?"

"Working." Chanyeol puts his shoes aside and starts leading the way to his bedroom which isn't far from the front door. In fact, the apartment is very cute and minimal. "You want water?"

"I'm okay." Baekhyun peers at the passing picture frames which includes many of Chanyeol's baby pictures. He almost coos but, instead, he bumps into the giant's back just outside his bedroom door.

Chanyeol says nothing about it.

"Don't touch anything inside. Got it?"

Baekhyun nods. "Not even you?"

Turning his head just enough, Chanyeol gives him an annoyed look. "Did I say that?"

"Well, no, but—"

"Then shut your trap." Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol opens the door to his room.

In the very least, Baekhyun expected guns—or maybe drugs everywhere. A lot of people at school thought Chanyeol was part of the mafia so he should've had a lot of mafia things! Baekhyun didn't expect instruments or the anime posters on the wall. Granted, it's not something super cute like Yotsuba! (Baekhyun's favorite), but it's still kind of... nerdy.

Besides that, the room is simple and basic in color scheme.

Baekhyun giggles as he makes himself comfortable and sits on the bed. "So... Hell's Kitchen?"

"Uh, sure. Let me get my computer started."

Chanyeol has an old fashion desktop that seems a little more outdated that it really should be, but Baekhyun likes the aesthetic. It matches the gangster pretty well. Big and bulky.

Once the computer is running, Chanyeol opens up a third party viewing site and starts to play the episode they last left off. Since his desktop is facing the bed, there's no need to readjust the monitor.

After a few seconds, he joins Baekhyun on the bed, sitting next to him, but the distance between them is noticeable. Baekhyun picks up on it right away and scoots over.

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