Fourth Chapter

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You, yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

- Sharon Salzberg

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

Before I knew it, the bell rung hysterically and with it, the fifth period ended. Everyone packed their stuff up in a hasty fashion and dipped right out of the classroom, I, however, took my sweet time with it, knowing what was waiting for me in my advanced English literature classroom.

I slung my backpack over one shoulder, not bothering to wear it properly and slowly made my way to the dreaded classroom, my stomach churning every step of the way there.  I couldn't quite understand why my body behaved in such an anxious manner when it came to my new English literature teacher. This wasn't the first meeting I've had with teachers about my lack of great school performance, but this time had surely been special.

I let out a shaky breath when I finally reached the classroom labeled with the number 'three' and warily knocked on the door, sort of hoping that Mr. Carter wasn't present and just forgot about our scheduled meeting. Unfortunately, I heard a manly voice behind the door say 'come in'.

I slowly opened the door and peeked my head in with a sheepish smile, taking in the scenery. Mr. Carter was focused on the papers on his desk, seemingly working hard. "Hi, I-uh... I'm here for the meeting?" I tried to get my teacher's attention and succeeded.

Mr. Carter looked up at me with an expression I couldn't quite read, his face showed barely any emotion and seemed very intimidating for a second. "Right, Hunter, come take a seat in the first row, we have a lot to discuss." He invited me in and I complied, despite wanting to dash right out the door never to be seen again. "I'll be finished with this paper in a minute." The teacher muttered.

We sat in awkward silence while I was waiting for him to finish the work he had started. I took a good minute to look at Mr. Carter again, he dressed professionally every time he'd seen him, a suit, a tie, hair always messily styled into a quiff. He was really handsome and it really surprised me that someone only twenty-six years old could be teaching advanced English literature to high school students.

Unfortunately, my train of thoughts halted when I realized that Mr. Carter was staring right back at me with an amused expression. "You know, staring at people that intently is quite awkward for them right?" He smirked at me, clearly pushing my buttons. Embarrassment rushed over my features and I broke the eye contact, my cheeks fiery red for no reason.

"Uh... Sorry, sir, I was just wondering." I managed to cough out, still refusing to look at him.

The teacher raised an eyebrow at me. "Wondering about what?"

Hunter Williams' Taboo AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang