Seventh Chapter

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❝Young alienation, disappointment, and heartache is all a part of the first real growing up that we do.❞

- Judd Nelson

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

It's been a few hours since my emotional breakdown to Evelyn. We were still walking around the city park, the clock read quarter past seven and it was starting to get chilly. I hated that the sun sets so early during Autumn, sometimes feels like there's eternal darkness shrouding us at every waking moment of our lives.

The darkness did not help my mood whatsoever, I was still a teary and pathetic excuse of a man. I knew that eventually, I was going to get over this fiasco and move forward with my life, but that would come later. I wish it didn't hurt when I heard my ex-girlfriend's name, I wish tears didn't threaten to escape when I saw a message from her.

This fucking sucked.

I knew nothing could last forever, nobody could stay happy the same way for an eternity, but I didn't want to admit that it was the case. Sometimes, I just wanted to lock myself in a room and live in my fantasy, where the big, bad, evil world couldn't hurt me anymore. Unfortunately, that was not an option.

Evelyn snapped me out of my miserable train of thoughts with her voice. "Hunt, it's getting cold out here. We should head home for tonight." She said in a soft tone, so unlike Evelyn's chaotic personality.

I slowed down my steps, puzzled for a moment. It was a rational suggestion, I sure as hell didn't want to get sick, but I didn't want to go home either. I had no idea what I should expect from my parents, more importantly, my mother. "I don't want to go home," I whined like a little child, dragging the word 'home' out.

Evelyn chuckled lightly. "Come on now, we can't stay in the park all night, we'll freeze to death. Just know that everything is going to be okay and if you need someone to talk to, I'm just a phone call away, same goes for literally anyone else."

"I know, I know." I sighed, defeated. "I'm just worried about my mother, she's close to she-who-shall-not-be-named's family and I know I'm in for a treat when I come home. I swear she cares about my ex-girlfriend more than she does about me and that's just the sad truth."

"I know, Hunt. But you can't avoid the confrontation forever, better get it off of your chest now and move on." She suggested wisely, it made sense to get it over with now and look forward to the future, but sometimes it was easier said than done.

"Are you sure I can't just crash at your place for tonight?" I smiled smugly, trying to get what I want.

Hunter Williams' Taboo AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang