Fifth Chapter

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Nice words and nice appearance doesn't conclude that someone is nice, I believe that the nicer you look, the more deceptive you appear.

- Michael Bassey Johnson

 [ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

Do you ever just wake up with the idea that something is wrong?

The weekend had passed in rapid succession, although I did not even bother leaving my house or going out with my friends, something else was already on my mind. I had spent the last three days worrying about my girlfriend of two years, Bailey Woods, I tried calling, texting, even going to her house, but I couldn't find her. It's like she disappeared from the face of the earth without saying a single word...

I tried to brush it off and pretend that nothing was wrong, although something was most definitely wrong. Bailey and I had been distant the last couple of months, we weren't keeping in touch as much as we used to, we didn't meet often and perhaps she has gotten sick of it.

Maybe that's why I can't seem to reach her. I don't want to give up on trying to find out whether or not she's okay, breathing, smiling. But I feel like she's completely shutting me out and our friends included.

Did I do something wrong? Am I the one at fault here? These questions have been eating me inside out over the weekend and I couldn't find the answer to them.

One thing for sure, I knew something was up behind the scenes.

Bailey and I weren't the only ones who were losing touch, my best friend Eli and I were doing the same. Sometimes it felt like Eli only hung around me and our friends just to keep up the image. But something was very fishy and unsettling about him lately.

He would tense up at random words and thoughts, anytime I mentioned Bailey he'd practically turn to stone and shoot me a weird look. Now you see, I wasn't dumb or oblivious, maybe a little, but there was something going on behind the scenes and I couldn't figure out what.

Sure, I had my speculations, but I didn't quite want to elaborate on them for my own sake, I just left it at them having a personal dispute.

It was Monday morning, rainy and gloomy as ever. Thankfully I didn't have the first period on Mondays so I was allowed to sleep in without anyone bothering me about it. I rolled around in my sheets and unsurprisingly ended up on the floor, I stretched my muscles that were sore from the lack of sleep and the uncomfortable positions I put my body in while attempting to fall asleep.

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