Twenty-Fifth Chapter

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❝A best friend is the only one that walks into your life when the world has walked out.❞

 - Shannon l. Alder

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

Skiing turned out to be one of my least favourite activities. When you look at it on paper, it feels exhilarating and infinitely fun - in reality, it's difficult, dangerous and not for someone prone to falling.

Regardless of the disappointment, I was still having fun with other activities at the resort. Although primitive, the resort was a great escape from the real world - we were somewhere in the Scottish highlands, enjoying the picturesque views thrown our way. We had been situated inside wooden cabins with all the necessities, the beds were comfortable and there was even a hot tub outside!

It was almost four in the afternoon and it was already starting to get dark, I hated the fact that there was less daytime during Winter and Autumn, but I guess I could look past that. Earlier, Coach Jennings had informed us that there would be a huge blizzard coming our way tonight, the electricity and internet would likely be out and I wasn't too excited for it.

I've been avoiding Blake Carter as much as I could ever since we got to the resort, I tagged along with the guys and refused to acknowledge his existence. He's been on my mind since the weekend and the kiss was still the first thing I could remember when I closed my eyes. I didn't know what I was going to do about him, but I couldn't let him assault my mind like that. I swear, any song I hear, any text I read, I relay it back to him and it's beginning to piss me off.

I was walking around the perimeter, while the sun was setting rapidly and snow was slowly falling around me. I had my stiff earphones in my ears, listening to music to take my mind off of things. We were supposed to go up in the mountains again tomorrow, but I wasn't feeling it after yesterday.

During my first skiing attempt, I managed to fall at least seven times and nearly injured myself, maybe I'll just sit it out and sleep in tomorrow. I was here to enjoy myself, not to get potentially injured and exhausted, right?

I was completely oblivious to my surroundings, music blasting at full volume. Suddenly, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. Startled, I almost immediately lost my balance, tripping into a conveniently placed mound of snow. I turned my gaze only to be met by none other than Blake Carter and his stupid little, adorable smile.

He extended his hand and helped me up from the snow. My earphones had already fallen out of my ears. "You've been falling quite a lot recently, you okay?" Mr Featherhead chuckled softly, his eyes glowing playfully. He looked so fucking good in this dim lighting and I couldn't help but swoon a little.

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