Twentieth Chapter

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❝The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.❞

- Audrey Hepburn

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

If you thought I had been moving quickly before, you better hold on to your seat now. It had been just a little over a week and a half, currently, Thursday, December fifth and things with Jake were unravelling at a rapid pace.

At first, I had my doubts whether or not I would get along with him in the end. The fact that I managed to bond with him this well in such a short amount of time was crazy to me. The fact that he asked me out last Friday was even crazier.

I wasn't particularly crazy about relationships, everyone knew that, but I could honestly say that I was excited about this one. It was not only a good distraction from Blake Carter nagging at my head, but it was also a perfect opportunity to explore myself - with that, my body.

It was an odd feeling, knowing that almost the entire population of the senior year had lost their virginities and I haven't. Heck, even my new boyfriend, Jake Phillips, the guy whom everybody feared, had lost his virginity a while ago. I felt sort of left out and it had me wondering, had I been waiting just a little too long?

I knew that the teenage years were the most stressful and challenging years of a person's life. Their bodies developing, hormones messing with their heads and on top of that high school choke-slamming them into the ground. But these were the years that you could take advantage of the situation and explore yourself, before diving headfirst into the 'real' world.

I haven't been exploring myself at all until very recently, I thought to myself. Perhaps it was the perfect moment to take advantage of.

I knew it was morally wrong to use another person to explore yourself and grow as a person, but I think we were both on the same kind of page. Neither Jake nor I were exactly sentimental and neither of us knew what we were doing when it came to dating. This could be a great opportunity for us to learn how to cope with things and understand ourselves.

Not to mention, this was my first time publically dating a guy after opening up about myself to the world. I practically entered a new world full of different expectations and I didn't know where to start.

Evelyn was still sort of sceptical about the hasty pace I had chosen when it came to Jake Phillips, but I didn't find it that bothersome. I was likely being a little too reckless, but I didn't acknowledge it as that big of an issue - anything to get Mr Featherhead out of my head.

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