Fifteenth Chapter

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❝Friends ask you questions; enemies question you.❞

- Criss Jami

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

The word that Bailey had been the one cheating on me with Eli King got out in Lockwood High School. I knew a part of me should have been happy that the truth was finally out, but I wasn't happy at all.

When Bailey tried to act like the victim and painted me as the bad guy, I went through the worst time of my life thus far. Maybe she and Eli deserved the shit that they were getting from basically the entire population of the school, however, I thought it was a little overboard and I wanted the hate to stop.

It was lunchtime on a Tuesday, practically the entire school would be here and it was the perfect moment to make a statement. Despite knowing the fact that standing on a table is extremely unsanitary, I stoop up and asked for everybody's attention.

I was surprised to see that Bailey and Eli were present in the cafeteria, they weren't great when it came to dealing with negativity. "Hey, uh, guys! I just wanted to ask you a favour." I mustered out, loud enough for everyone to hear. Fortunately, nobody ignored my presence. "News spread extremely fast in high school and yes, it's true, my ex-girlfriend was the one who cheated on me with my ex-best-friend, but that doesn't mean you should torment them. I know, it seems weird that I'm trying to help them, but truthfully, I just want the drama that happened between us to stay personal and not get publicized anymore. We all want to move on with our lives and you're not helping with that. Thanks." I finished bitterly and everyone was shocked, to say the least, I hopped off the table and wiped it with a napkin.

I could hear the confused chatter behind me and all I could hope for was that the students would muster up at least the smallest bit of respect and just put this whole fiasco behind them. When I was finished cleaning the table a little, I looked around the cafeteria.

My eyes met with Bailey and Eli's shocked expressions, I knew that what I did was quite unexpected, but it was the only way to truly get over it. I nodded firmly at them and focused my attention back to my real friends.

"What?!" I muttered, feeling their surprised glares on me.

"I'm just... impressed, after everything they've done to you, you managed to look past it and stop the hate when the truth came out." River explained.

"Yeah, I'm proud of you, Hunter." Miles joined in and Evelyn nodded.

"I just want to ask one thing. Why did you do that?" River Jade pondered, a puzzled expression dancing on her face.

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