Tenth Chapter

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❝The river is wild. You can't control it. Embrace the chaos.❞

- Maxime Lagacé

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

Shortly after we entered the nurse's office, Mr Carter commanded me to sit down on the bed with a demanding tone. I figured there was no point in resisting, he was just trying to help me after all.

The examination bed had a firm, laminated white sheet over it, thankfully it wasn't as hard as it looked. Sure it wasn't the first time I had been in this particular room, but it's been long enough to forget the minor details about it. It was common for students to be admitted to the nurse's office in my school. Lockwood was big on sports - soccer, basketball, tennis even swimming, there were a bunch of activities involving sports and injuries were bound to occur.

Which is exactly why they had installed a mini-fridge filled to the brim with medical icepacks, as weird as it sounded, it was really useful. 

I heard the man sigh, running a hand through his messily styled hair, messing it up a little more. Part of me wanted to smile at that little detail, but I resisted, wasn't an appropriate time was it?

The atmosphere between the mysterious teacher and I was stagnant, not much was happening, apart from the teacher rummaging through the mini-fridge and me studying him intently.

I felt my phone buzz in against my leg in the pocket and pulled it out. The numbers on my lock screen read quarter past four in the afternoon and beneath it was a message from Evelyn. I let out a breath and opened the message.

Hey, you alright? Troy said you were yelling at Eli in the locker room earlier. Received, 4:16 PM.

Instead of responding with a regular text message, I took a photo of my eye and forward it to her. It was pretty self-explanatory. Evelyn started typing as soon as she received the image.

Holy fuck, where are you right now? Make sure to ice that! Received, 4:17 PM.

I smiled slightly at her message and crafted my own.

I'm alright, don't worry about it. Mr Carter dragged me to the nurse's office to do just that. Sent, 4:17 PM.

She quickly sent an 'eyes' emoji in response and I rolled mine, knowing damn well what she meant by it. I locked the phone again, deciding not to carry on with that conversation. It did force a small smile out of me, but nobody would ever know that.

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