Eleventh Chapter

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❝Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.❞ 

- Guillaume Apollinaire

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

You know, Blake Carter was right: time does heal indeed heal wounds.

It had been a few weeks since that dreadful Friday that made Hunter shudder in recoil. Memories flooded my mind, but this time I didn't retort with tears and sorrows. It felt as if things were finally looking up, my peers had stopped caring about the ridiculous claims Bailey Woods had been making about me. Some students even stood up for me despite not knowing a thing about me. Plus, my black eye dissipating was helpful too.

I finally felt myself getting happier by the minute and looking forward to the future, with my real friends by my side. Blake's input on the situation made me realize a lot of things as well. I started appreciating and reciprocating the care my friends had been showing me all along.

One thing that didn't seem to have been resolved was my mother's opinion.

My mother, Grace Williams, was a master manipulator and her thirst for control was seemingly unquenchable. She had been belittling me ever since she'd heard the rumours from Bailey and didn't want to listen to her only child, no matter how many times I had tried, she would always take Bailey's side.

I know Blake Carter had told me to come straight to him if the situation didn't dissolve itself after talking, but I was hesitant. Was it that big of a deal? This was my last year staying in this house, I'd go off to University and mind my own business without her interference.

It was around eight in the morning on a Thursday. This day - October thirty-first - marked a huge change in my life. I was finally eighteen years old!

Sure, I wasn't big on celebrating birthdays, in fact, I never really paid attention to my birthday, since it was just another day that would pass. However, it felt nice knowing the fact that I was finally legal and a step closer to being responsible for myself. Being a tad bit younger than everyone in the senior year was getting to me as well.

At least the fun part about my birthday was that it's on Halloween, supposedly there was a costume party tomorrow at some senior's house. Might end up going, my social status is recovering and I could use a nice night to relax with my friends.

I was already in the main hallway of Lockwood High School, getting ready for the mathematics lesson, starting in about- now. I ran a hand through my hair and went up the stairs, let's hope there wasn't a test today.

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