Twenty-Sixth Chapter

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❝Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man.❞

- Louis Nizer

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

I woke up to the most foreign yet comforting sensation on the top of my head. The night had been restless, Blake was coughing nonstop and the worst part was that I couldn't do anything about it.

I wasn't exactly sure how I ended up in the position I was in right now, but I was resting my head against the mattress of the uncomfortable bed - guess I just needed a more comfortable position to attempt and get some rest.

Blake's fingers were tangled in my, probably already greasy, hair. That was the foreign sensation I was talking about, I knew Blake probably did not intend for us to end up this way but I wouldn't have traded it for the world in this groggy state of mind.

My back was resting against the bed frame and it was already beginning to ache, I knew I had to move.

I reached for my phone, comfortably resting on the chair I was previously seated on, service and internet had gone out during the blizzard so I was stuck here suffering from my thoughts and Blake's maniacal coughing. The digital clock on my lock screen read a little past five in the morning, it was still dark outside. I couldn't stress it enough, I hated this time of the year.

I let out a deep sigh as I leaned away from Blake's touch and stretched my stiff muscles. I thought that Blake was still fast asleep, however, I was wrong yet again. "Morning." His voice was hoarse, barely audible, not surprising at all after how much he'd been coughing.

I turned my head at what felt like the speed of light and heard my bones pop. "Morning, how are you feeling?" I said in a soft, husky tone, worry evident on my face. 

"Honestly?" He paused to let out a horrifying cough. "Like I'd been hit by a truck." Blake attempted to crack a joke.

"We're going to get you to a hospital soon, just don't die on me until then okay?" I squinted at him, pointing an accusing finger in his direction.

"No promises." He decided to joke around and my heart dropped a little, was it that bad? I felt something gnawing at my gut.

"Blake, I will fucking kill you if you die," I muttered. Now that I repeat the outburst in my head, I realize that it made little to no sense.

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