Sixth Chapter

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❝Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.❞

- Mark Twain

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

It was currently two-thirty-one in the afternoon, I was patiently waiting at a local café called Mugs Café, the usual hang out spot for a lot of Lockwood High School students. Bailey told me to meet her here at two, yet she was the one thirty minutes late.

I was impatiently tapping my fingers on a table while sitting alone, refusing to order any coffee before my girlfriend got here. I honestly didn't know what to expect at this point. I was more than terrified about having this supposedly dreadful conversation with Bails, I even to had to skip lunch only to puke my guts out in the school bathroom.

The only thing helping with my never-ending anxiousness was the atmosphere of the café, it was a cozy and warm, seemingly hipster-inspired environment, something you'd see in an aesthetic Tumblr blog. Another bonus of this place was that the coffee was phenomenal, unlike any other coffee shop in the city. People were chattering around me, laughing with their friends while taking sips of their drinks and here I was all alone, with a puzzled expression, waiting to have a very important talk with my girlfriend, who was more than thirty minutes late - quite lovely isn't it?

Minutes passed and my anxiousness grew even further, it was two-forty-seven in the afternoon when I finally saw my beautiful girlfriend Bailey enter the café. My pulse instantly picked up, I felt myself starting to sweat and chills ran along my body.

She soon spotted me and made her way to my table, a puzzled, almost unreadable expression softy resting on her naturally gorgeous face. It was the same face that I fell in love with over two years ago, but I had a feeling we wouldn't be sharing how much we loved each other today.

"Hi," I muttered awkwardly not knowing where to start.

She coughed awkwardly. "Uh, hi. I'm sorry that I'm late, something came up." The awkwardness that had inhabited the minimal distance between us was such a foreign concept in our relationship. We were always comfortable with each other in any situation, why couldn't it be the same now?

"So, uh. What did you want to tell me?" I broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Listen, Hunt. Before I spill everything, please don't be mad at me, I never meant for this to happen and I just want you to know that I love you, despite everything." She started with the damage control and I was getting even more concerned by the second. Was it something I did? Was I not good enough for her?

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