Twelfth Chapter

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❝A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.❞

- Albert Einstein

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

The rest of my birthday happened to be pretty uneventful, my friends and I went out to a restaurant, had dinner and split up. Only because we had classes in the morning. 

Everything seemed to be going well and without any difficulties, even sleep came over me pretty quickly - without the aid of melatonin pills. It felt like all of my worries had vanished at once and I was living a happy life once again. Something in the pit of my stomach told me that this wouldn't last long.

It was already time for soccer practice on Friday. I had decided that I was going to go to the Halloween party happening that night, Evelyn - being the disastrous angel that she was, would join me.

Practice, just like everything else went swimmingly, the coach was surprisingly easy on us today, less yelling than usual.

Okay, this was definitely the calm before the storm.

I showered hastily, dried off and put my school clothes back on, figured there was no time to waste. I didn't have to meet with Blake today, so I was going to get some more food before going to get ready for the party.

I couldn't quite decide on what to wear for the party. Perhaps, I could put the fake horns from my eighth-grade performance to use and become a devil for the night. It was a costume party after all.

As I was walking through the hallways on the way to the front entrance of the school, I spotted a light coming from under the English literature classroom door. What was Blake still doing at school? It was almost four in the afternoon and the halls were practically empty at this time.

I decided to pop in and check on him, you never know, what if the man had a heart attack and nobody noticed?

When I opened the door, I figured I'd met by my teacher's usual voice, but all I heard was silence. I popped my head into the classroom to see if he was even there and no surprise - he was. Blake's hair was more dishevelled than it was at the start of the day, earphones comfortably resting in his ears, his attention directed to the table - completely oblivious to the fact that I had entered the room.

It took a lot more work than I had previously anticipated in order to catch his attention, I was practically sitting on the table in the front row. Blake hastily looked up with a sort of disoriented expression and cleared his throat. "Hunter, I thought I told you to have the day off." He muttered, his voice husky from the lack of talking.

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