Chapter 2

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I brought out my books out of my bag, I just want to finish this stupid  chemistry once and for all.

I sat down on my bed ready to open my book when the door swung open.

Her Royal Highness Queen Rumaisa strutted in. "I want your gold shoes, now."

I raised my eyebrow up. "First of all, fix your tone, you want something from ME, second of all don't you have a pair of gold shoes?"

She rolled her eyes, ignoring my first statement "I do, but every one has seen me with them before."

I raised my hands up in the air in bewilderment
"who even looks at your feet to know which shoe you wear??"

She hissed as she walked over to my shoe stand. "umm...people like Umar Kashim!, oh my god! He's so fine!"

Oh God not again. As if the praises in the car wasn't enough.

She picked up the pair of shoes she wanted and she was about to leave the room when I stood up. "Rumaisa!, dont try-.."

She cut me off, sending me a pointed look "Argue with me, I tell Baba."

I sigh loudly in defeat, she knew my weakness.

She smiled as she left the room.

You see what I was saying?? A little devil! Very wicked for an eighteen year old!

I sighed as I leaned back down on my bed.

I opened the book, trying really hard to understand what it meant.

Then the door swung open again.

"Wallahi Rumaisa, leave me alone!" I said still looking at my book.

"Keh, it's me." He said.

I looked up to see Ya Abdul.

The frown didn't leave my face. "what do you want?"

He placed his hand on his heart. "Well..that hurts, aren't you happy to see your older brother."

"Not really, no." I replied.

He chose to ignore what I said and he jumped on the bed, next to me. "what are you doing?"

I sighed, "Chemistry."

He groaned. "Ughh, I hate that subject."

"Me too!" I said.

He looked at the book. "wait, this is actually easy, we did it last year."

Ya Abdul is in 400 level, he's 24, I'm in 300 level, at 2o, and Rumaisa is in 100 level, and she's eighteen.
The three of us attend Nile University.

I glared at him. "you think?"

He shook his head. "no Wallahi, it's actually easy, at first I thought it wasn't too."

"Ok teach me." I told him, pushing the book into his palms.

He took the pen from my hand. "you see, all you have to do is-..."

We had to be cut off again! By the opening of the freaking door!

I was about to start shouting, but when I saw it was Aunty, I kept mute.

And the look on her face got me worried.

I stood up and I walked towards her.  "Aunty, everything okay?"

She slowly nodded "yes, your dad is calling you."


It's never a good thing when Baba calls you, it's either he scolds you or tells you something important, and the look on Aunty's face isn't helping.

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