Chapter 32

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Around 4pm we went back home

Which was kind of early because normally he leaves around 5pm

But I think he saw the look on my face and he pitied me

All I wanted to do was go back home, which is funny because I was the one wanting to come with him

But come on, I was bored as hell after Al'amin, Mary and Khadija left

I had to sit down with him and watch him do paper work

What kind of torture is that?

The ride back home was quiet

Only the soft music coming from the radio and the occasional horns Umar did or the ones that were thrown at us

We went back home and I prayed before I went with Aliya to her room after she asked me to help her do her homework

We just finished doing the English homework and I was helping her put the book back into the bag when Hauwa walked into the room looking tired and her bag slung over her shoulder

"Sai yanzu?" I asked as I looked at the pink princess clock in Aliya's room

"Oyo yo" Anisa told her

She weakly waved at her

She sighed as she dropped on a chair close to the door "Wallahi, there was a tournament da akayi so I stopped to watch it"

"Oh ok, Toh ya school?" I asked

"Tab! Yau na sha Safa da Marwa, kinga zagayen danasha? I don't think I'll be able to go on Monday, dama I hate this Saturday lectures" she said (did you see the amount of roaming around I did?)

I laughed at her

"Kinga, let me go and shower and pray before i end up sleeping here" she said before she stood up and left

"I'm hungry" Aliya said 

"Ok then, let's go eat dinner"

She held my hand and I dragged her out of the bed

We went down the stairs and we went to the dining room to see most of the Family members there

Umar, his dad, Halima's mum, Aunty Yusrah, Yazid, Halima, Nona, Maman Fa'iza, Fa'iza and two other boys

I greeted everyone on the table before I sat down next to Yazid and Aliya sat down next to me

He turned to me and he grinned showing me his two missing tooth in the middle

I smiled back at him and I pinched his cheeks

I served Aliya and I served myself before I started eating

Maman Halima ushered one of the maids forward "call Hauwa down for dinner"

The maid nodded before she left the room

After some minutes the maid came back down with an annoyed Hauwa behind her

I knew Hauwa didn't want to come down and have dinner with everyone else at all

All she wanted to do was sleep

She looked like she was about to start stomping her feet any moment from now

I tried so much to hold my laugh

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