Chapter 35

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After lunch we left my house

Then we went to three of Umar's mum's sisters and Daddy's older brother's houses

By the time we were done it was almost 5:30

"We're dropping by at the office, I need to pick up a file" he told me

I nodded and within five minutes we reached his office

Most people were rushing to leave
the office and it was almost empty

We reached the elevator and we went to last floor

I somehow ended up the one in front and him following behind me

Immediately I entered I stopped dead in my tracks

Nafisa was seating on Khadija's table, crossed leg in a  short red dress eating an Apple

I already guessed Mary and Khadija won't be around so I expected them not to be here

But what I didn't expect was to see Nafisa here

"Hey baby" she said

Who is this one talking to?

It is definitely not me so it has to be Him

I turned to look at Umar and instead of a frown on his face I saw a look of Amusement

So like, I'm the only one not finding this funny?

"Nafisa?" he addressed

He brushed past me and he walked to her

She smiled and she dropped off the table

She walked towards him before she wrapped her arms around his neck and she planted a big fat kiss right on his lips





First of all, what the hell is going on?!

What a good day for me

I didn't even know what to do at that exact moment

What the hell was i supposed to do?

I walked past them and I entered Umar's office before I closed the door behind me

I shouldn't let this get to me

What?, I should let this get to me!

She's mad

They are both mad

I'm married to him for God's sake

It doesn't seem like both of them know that!

At this moment I could strangle anyone who comes through that door

If my face could turn red from anger it would have turned ever redder than her stupid dress because of how upset I was

The door opened and she strutted through it

She closed the door behind her

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