Chapter 20

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It was Saturday morning and well

Everyone was still getting ready for my wedding that wasn't taking place

Immediately I woke up and I remembered what happened yesterday

I was on cloud nine

I even made breakfast today

As we speak now I'm on my bed with Rabi'ah and Rumaisa and the tailor Rumaisa called

She already took my measurements

And they were helping me pick a style

I sighed as I laid back on my bed with a happy smile

"Wai what's wrong with you today, is it that you are starting to accept sanusi as your husband neh or what?" Rabi'ah said

A frown covered my face "no, Allah ya sauke" (God forbid)

"Then why are you happy?" she asked

"You don't have to know" I said as a grin slipped its way to my face

"Rumaisa why is she happy?" Rabi'ah asked her

" don't ask me about her, yesterday Umar Kashim came to meet her and she didn't let me meet him!"

"Umar Kashim came to meet you?" The Tailor Stephanie, asked

Rumaisa nodded "yes! Can you imagine?"

"Woah, that must have been nice" she said with a dreamy look

These people are mad

"You know Rumaisa, this your Umar Kashim isn't that bad after all" I said

"Toh fahhhhh" Rabi'ah said

I turned to glare at her "what the actual hell?"

"Abeg, You are getting married in six days, leave my Umar alone" she said

I hissed and I rolled my eyes

Aunty quickly rushed into the room

She had a nervous look on her face "Ha-..Hameeda, your father wants to speak with you" she said

From the look on her face, I knew I should be ready for the Gbas Gbos coming my way

I nodded as I slowly stood up and I followed her

We walked to Baba's living room to see him standing life is ending today

Normally when I'm going to speak to Baba, he'll be sitting

But the fact that he's standing today

That's a problem

Before I sat down I felt a slap on my face

It took me some seconds to register that baba slapped me

My hand came to where i was slapped

I looked up with tears in my eyes to see Baba glaring at me

"I know you have something to do with this? You said something to sanusi! He doesn't want to Marry you anymore! I know you did this Hameeda, i noticed your mood this morning, dama baki so auran shi ba, Kin yi wani abu, meh kika che mishi?!"(You did not want to marry him, you did something, what did you say to him?!)

"Ba-.." I began to say but he slapped me again

"Kiyi mun shiru! Hameeda! I swear on my life, if you don't find your self a suitor in 6 days to get married to you! I'm going to disown you! Saboda ba yanda za ayi afadda ma kowa zakiyi aure kuma kizo ki bata komai, you will leave my house, you shall not disgrace my family!" he said (Shut up!, because there is no way we will tell everyone that you're getting married and then you come and spoil everything)

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