Chapter 22

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When I told the girls about the news

Each of them took it differently, Stephanie was happy, Rabi'ah was shocked, and well...I don't even know Rumaisa's reaction

But it definitely wasn't happy

Today was the next morning

And the house was so busy, Umar's family were coming over

News has actually spread in my family that I'm no longer marrying sanusi

Which I know will be a huge confusion to everyone

This entire situation is confusing 

And the bigger news that spread in Abuja  was that Umar Kashim was getting married

I didn't even want to know how it started

Rabi'ah was literally here immediately after the sun came up

Yesterday she was too shocked to celebrate, but it was as if she came with full energy this morning

I finally met with Ya Abdul this morning and he enveloped me into a big hug

"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me the most" he said

"Don't you ever try that ever again"

He shook his head "I was just in shock that he was going to marry you off to an old man you don't want to marry, just like that"

I pursed my lips

"I'm glad you chose Umar yourself, do you like him?" He asked

"Well, I prefer him a billion times more than sanusi, is that good enough?" I asked with a Cheeky smile

"Definitely" he said with a laugh and he hugged me again

We were now in my room with Rabi'ah, it was about 2 pm and Umar's family were coming by three

She was helping me get ready but I honestly didn't understand why

Firstly, no females were coming over, they were all men

Secondly, they weren't coming to see me

So like, what the hell?

She finally managed to convince me to change into a blue and silver lace

"I told salma to come over" she told me

"Oh my God, she's going to kill me, I've forgotten about her these past weeks Wallahi" i said

Rabi'ah shrugged "kun fi kusa"

I was putting on my accessories when Salma came in

She engulfed me in a hug "I quickly ran here when I found out my best friend is marrying Umar Kashim" she said as she hugged me

"Oh wait, the best friend that forgot about me" she said as she released me

"Haba manaaa" I said as I hugged her again

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